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36.7 maunds per acre in the BCSIR Laboratories (Cicer arietinum L.). Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19 (2),
Campus, Rajshahi but the yield was only 3 maunds 127-132.
per acre in the Oilseeds Cultivation Centre.
Patgram, Lalmonirhat. Effect of intercropping on the management of pod
borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in chickpea
398 HASAN, M.N.; ISLAM, A.K.M.A.; MIAN, (Cicer arietintim L.) was studied at Regional
M.A.K. (Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Research Station, Ishurdi, Pabna,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural Bangladesh during rabi 2004-05 cropping season.
University, Gazipur) & HOSSAIN, T. (Dept. of Crop All the intercrops (coriander, linseed, mustard,
Botany, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wheat and safflower) significantly reduced the pod
Agricultural University, Gazipur). Inheritance of borer damage. Among the intercrops, safflower
Yield Related Traits in French Bean (Phaseolus showed the lowest (5.97%) and the highest pod
vulgaris L.). Bang. J. Life Sci. 2006, 18 (1) 125-130. damage (15.08%) was observed in sole cropping of
chickpea. Pod damage reduction by the intercrops
Genetic analysis was done in a 7 × 7 half diallel over sole crop ranged from 44.76% to 60.41%. The
population of French bean for eight yield highest clickpea equivalent yield (1660 kg/ha) was
contributing characters. Both additive and non- obtained from chickpea intercropped with mustard
additive genetic components were responsible in followed by linseed (1545 kg/ha). The lowest yield
the genetic system controlling yield and its (1420 kg/ha) obtained from sole chickpea which
component characters but non-additive gene action was statistically identical to coriander, wheat and
was predominant, which was also confirmed by safflower intercropped treatments. The highest
low values of narrow sense heritability estimates benefit cost ratio (BCR) was 5.38, obtained from
for most of the characters. The heritability in chickpea intercropped with mustard followed by
narrow sense was the highest for 100 seed weight linseed (BCR 5.01), coriander (BCR 4.84), wheat
and days to 50% flowering. Vr-Wr graph revealed (BCR 4.77) and safflower (BCR 4.60) compared
the existence of enough genetic variability in the with sole chickpea (BCR 4.81).
inbred parents studied, which is essential for
improvement of a crop. The regression line passed 400 HUQ, M.I. (Plant Pathology Division,
over the origin for most of the character except RARS, Barisal) & KHAN, A.Z.M.N. (Dept. of
days to maturity indicates the presence of partial Botany, Dhaka University, Dhaka). Effect of
dominance. The parents PB 82 and PB 125 contain Sowing Dates on the Incidence of Stemphylium
most of the dominant genes and PB 154 and PB Blight of Lentil During 1998-2001. Bang. J. Sci.
155 contain the excess of recessive genes. Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (3), 341-346.
399 HOSSAIN, M.A.; HAQUE, M.A. (Regional Lentils could escape the infection of Stemphylium
Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh blight by changing sowing dates. During the
Agricultural Research Institute, Pabna) & periods of studies the trends of disease
PRODHAN, M.Z.H. (Dept. of Entomology, development were similar. The lowest and the
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh). highest severity were noted on November 01 and
Intercropping: An Ecofriendly Management Practice of December 30, respectively. The severity increased
Pod Borer, Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner) in Chickpea progressively with the advancement of sowing date
from November 01 to December 30. In case of