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ha) combination (BARI Mug-5 under mango). The
production of mungbean under the agroforestry 406 ALAM, M.S.; ALAM, M.S.; HOSSAIN,
species of same aged ranked as mango>ipil- M.A.; ISLAM, A.T.M.T. & ABDULLAH, S.
ipil>ghoraneem and the varietal ranking was BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute,
Mug-5> BARI Mug-3> BARI Mug-4> BARI Gazipur). Effect of plant spacing and NPK
Mug-6> Local variety. fertilizers on vegetable and seed yield of Indian
spinach in the valley. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20
405 MORSHED, R.M.; RAHMAN, M.M. (1), 143-148.
(Dept. of Botany, Jahangirnagar University, Savar,
Dhaka) & RAHMAN, M.A. (Soil Resource The field experiment was conducted at Hill
Development Institute, Regional Laboratory, Agricultural Research Station, Khagrachari during
Mymenshingh). Effect of nitrogen on growth and April 2002 to February 2003 to find out the
yield of soybean (Glycine max). Bang. J. Life Sci., optimum spacing and NPK fertilizers for vegetable
2007, 19 (2), 38-52. and seed yield of Indian spinach. The treatment
consisted of 4 plant spacings i.e. 60 cm x 50 cm,
The experiment was conducted at the experimental 50 cm x 50 cm, 60 cm x 40 cm, 50 cm x 40 cm and
space of Botany Department, Jahangirnagar 4 NPK fertilizer doses i.e. 0-0-0, 92-25-63, 115-
University, Savar, Dhaka during rabi season, 2004 30-75, 138-35-88 kg/ha. Increased dose of NPK
- 2005 to find out the effect of added nitrogen (N) fertilizers and closer spacing produced higher
on growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max). yield. The highest vegetable (30.17 t/ha) and seed
The soybean variety, G-2 (Bangladesh soybean-4) (2.91 t/ha) yield of Indian spinach were produced
was used in this experiment. The treatments were: by the combination of the 50 cm × 40 cm spacing
N 1 (0% N of BARC recommendation), N 2 (50% N and 138-35-88 kg/ha dose of NPK with the highest
of BARC recommendation), N, (75% N of BARC net return of Tk 288,312 and BCR 3.38.
recommendation), N 4 (100% N of BARC Economically the most profitable combination
recommendation), N 5 (125% N of BARC were 60 cm x 40 cm spacing and the highest dose
recommendation), N 6 (150% N of BARC of NPK ( 138-35-88 kg/ha) with the net return of
recommendation). Seeds were inoculated with Tk 283,562 and BCR 3.46 because of 8 paisa were
Bradyrhizobium inoculum before sowing. The more income by investing Tk 1 than the previous
yield and yield components of soybean increased combination.
with increased rate of N application up to 26.45 kg
ha (N 5 treatment).The highest seed yield of 6.85 g 407 ALAM, N. (Dept. of Botany, Jahangirnagar
plant was obtained from N 5 treatment which was University, Savar, Dhaka); AHMAD, S. (Bangladesh
93.50% higher than that of the control (N 1 Jute Research Institute, Dhaka) & PASHA, M.K.
treatment). Application of N at 26.45 kg ha which (Dept. of Botany, Chittagong University,
was 125% higher over BARC recommendation Chittagong). Comparative study of plant growth
was considered to be the optimum dose of N parameters and yield of the four Hibiscus spp.
application for achieving the highest yield potential Bang. J. Life Sci., 2006, 18(1), 53-57.
of soybean crop from Savar soil.
Ten morphological characters viz. leaf length, leaf
633.5 : AGRICULTURE : FIBRE, breadth, petiole length, plant height, number of
PLANTS & CROPS nodes at maturity, stem diameter (basal, middle