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rhizome oil, of which, the major are α- A systematic study for isolation and analysis of
bergamotene (18.4%), β-sesquiphellandrene some chemical constituents of arjun fruits were
(9.6%), citral (9.4%), camphene (8.0%), farnesene carried out. For this purpose, fresh fruits of
(7.4%), 3-carene (7.3%), curcumene (5.8%) and β - Tenninalia arjuna were extracted with rectified
bisabolene (5.1%). spirit. The extract was then triturated with
chloroform, which was then subjected to column
417 DAS, G.G. (Dept. of Agriculture Extension, chromatographic separation followed by PTLC.
Shariakundi, Bogra); QUDDUS, M.A. (Dept. of Such separation led to the isolation of four pure
Genetics & Plant Breeding, Bangladesh compounds, TC-1 to TC-4. Antibacterial activities
Agricultural University, Mymensingh); KABIR, of the isolated compounds have also been
M.E. (Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University, determined qualitatively against different
Khulna). Heterosis in Intervarietal Brassica pathogenic bacteria and most of them were found
Hybrids Grown under Field Condition. South highly active.
Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2 (1 & 2), 3-6.
419 HASSAN, A.K.M.S. (Dept. of Botany,
To observe the performance of eighteen Brassica Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka). In vitro
campestris hybrids for yield and yield contributing Regeneration of a Woody Medicinal Plant,
characters, an experiment was carried out at the Pterocarpus Santalinus L. f., through Apical and
Field laboratory of the Department of Genetics and Axillary Shoot Proliferation. Bang. J. Life Sci.,
Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Agricultural 2008, 20 (1), 29-36.
University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh during
November l998 to March 1999. The experiment A protocol was established for mass propagation a
was laid out following a Randomized Complete valuable medicinal plant, Pterocarpus santalinus
Block Design with three replications. Helerosis Linn. f. (Family. Fabaceae) through in vitro
was estimated over mid-parent and better parent. culture. Apical and axillary buds of young sprouts
On the basis of helerotic values, the hybrids M-18 from a selected plant were used as explants. Best
× Dholi, M-18 × M-91, Sampad × M-27, M-18 × shoot induction was observed on MS basal
Sampad, M-18 × Sampad, M-18 × Sampad, Dholi medium supplemented with 2.5 mgl BAP, in
× M -395, and M-18 × M-91 were found to be the which 78% of the explant regenerated shoots
best in performance for days to flowering, plant with 6 shoots per culture. Repeated subcultures
height, no. of primary branches/ plant, no. of in the same medium, resulted rapid shoot
secondary branches/ plant, no. of siliqua/ plant, multiplication with 12 shoots per culture.
siliqua density, siliqua length and seed yield /plant. Addition of 15% (v/v) coconut water (CW), 3.0
mgl AgNO 3 and 100 mgl –1 casein hydrolysate
418 HAQUE, M.Z. (BCSIR Laboratories, (CH) to the medium increased the number of
Rajshahi); SAKI, M.A.A.; ABDULLAH-AL- shoots upto 18 per culture. In vitro raised shoots
MARUF, M.; ALI, M.U. & ALI, M.Y. (Dept. of rooted on half strength MS medium with 4.0
Chemistry, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). Studies mgl –1 IBA, For acclimatization and
on the Isolation and Biological Activities of transplantation, the plantlets in the rooting
Chloroform Extracts of Terminalia Arjuna Fruits. culture tubes were kept in normal room
Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19 (2), 103-107. temperature for 7 days before transplanting in
pots where plantlets were reared for three weeks.