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Rajshahi). Effect of Intercropping of Mustard with control measure showed 43%, 33%, 52%, 41% and
Onion and Garlic on Aphid Population and Yield. 21% germination respectively. The highest
J. Bio-Sci., 2007, 15, 35-40. germination success (52%) was observed under hot
water treatment which was followed by
Field experiments were conducted to study the concentrated H 2SO 4 treatment (43%), cold water
effect of intercropping of mustard (Brassica napus, treatment (41%), scarification with sand paper
Var. Bari Sarisha-7) with onion (Allium cepa L.) (33%) and control (21%).
and garlic (Allium sativum L.) on aphid [Lipaphis
erysimi (Kaltenbach) population and yield. 434 BEGUM, S.; IBRAHIM, M.; SAMAD,
Intercropped with these two medicinal as well as A.; KHAN, M.R.; KHALEDA, S.; ALAM,
spice crops reduced the aphid population A.K.M.S. & CHOWDHURY, A.N. (BCSIR
significantly (P<0.05). Mustard blocks Laboratories, Rajshahi). Effect of Pre Harvest
intercropped with garlic gave highest cost-benefit Application of Some Growth Regulators on the
ratios (1:2.07 and 1: 2.96) than onion intercropped Yield and Quality Characteristics of Grape (Vitis
blocks. Sole mustard blocks produced lowest cost- vinifera L.). Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (1),
benefit ratios (1:1.65 and 1.2.06). 59-66.
634 : AGRICULTURE : FORESTRY Present study was undertaken to investigate the
relative efficacy of four growth regulators, viz., α-
433 AZAD, M.S.; ISLAM, M.W.; MATIN, naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), indole-3-acetic
M.S. & BARI, M.A. (Forestry & Wood acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA) and 2,4-
Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) at various
Khulna). Effect of Pre-Sowing Treatment on Seed concentrations (ppm) on the yield and some other
Germination of Albizia Lebbeck (L.) Benth. South quality characteristics of grape (Zakkao cultivar) at
Asian J. Agric., 2006, 1(2), 32-34. the experimental grape research vine of BCSIR
Laboratories, Rajshahi during the period January,
Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. known as kala koroi in 2003 to July, 2004. Yield was found to be
Bangladesh, occupies an important place in increased (33.11 %) by spraying with 05 ppm of
plantation forestry for its faster growth and 2,4-D as compared to control and other growth
multiple end products. Nitrogen fixing capacity of regulator treatments. Fruits of treated plants
the tree is considered as an additional benefit in showed increased total soluble solids (20.28 %)
some land use systems such as, agroforestry and and vitamin (23.18 %) than that of untreated one.
tea garden. Morphological characteristics of seed The titrable acidity (T. A) of fruits (33.01 %) of the
and seed germination of kala koroi (A. lebbeck) treated plants was reduced significantly as
after pre-sowing treatments were studied in the compared to control.
nursery of Khulna University, Bangladesh. Seed
germination started within 4 days, 2 days, 2 days, 4 435 HASAN, M.K.; AHMED, M.M.; HASAN,
days and 12 days in scarification, H 2SO 4, hot M.K. (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute,
water, cold-water treatment and control conditions Joydebpur, Gazipur) & MIAH, M.G. (Dept. of
respectively in poly bags. Seed treatment with Agroforestry and Environment, Bangabandhu
concentrated sulfuric acid (H 2SO 4), scarification Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University,
with sand paper, hot water (80°C), cold water and Gazipur). Farmers' Attitude towards Agroforestry