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of fruit cultivation were alternate bearing greater than the prevailing, poverty line (0.52) of
(79.22%), lack of fruit processing (62.38%), the locality that indicates a positive poverty
disease/insect infestation (31.68%), lack of fruit reduction impact on the community livelihoods.
preservation (15.84%), lack of good variety The study also reveals that participatory forestry
(14.85%), lack of information (9.90%), suddenly has been proved as the most efficient sustainable
slop fruiting (1.98%), low market price (0.99%) option for rehabilitating degraded or encroached
and low market demand (0.99%) etc. Majority of forestlands and as well as an effective strategy to
the respondents suggested the solution of the improve the livelihoods of the poor people who are
problems were as ensuring sufficient market price, used to be treated as illegal occupants of the
sufficient loan facilities, ensuring sufficient forests.
amount of insecticides and pesticides at reasonable
price, improving marketing channel, ensuring 441 MOLLICK, A.S.; KAMRUZZAMAN, M.
preservation facilities, ensuring quality fertilizers, & RASHIDUZZAMAN, M. (Forestry & Wood
by providing government facilities etc. Among the Technology Discipline, Khulna University,
selected 11 characteristics of the respondents, only Khulna). Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex DC)
extension media contact showed a negative Based Agroforestry System: A Case Study. South
significant relationship with the problem Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2 (1 & 2), 79-84.
Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex DC) is widely
440 MOLLICK, A.S.; AZAD, M.S. & recognized as a multipurpose tree species
KYSER, M.A. (Forestry & Wood Technology especially in Pakistan, India, Nepal and
Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna). Impact of Bangladesh. It has highly valuable timber quality
Participatory Forestry on Community Livelihoods: and provides a wide range of other products such
A Case Study in the Degraded Sal (Shorea as fodder, fuel wood, honey and medicine. Sissoo
Robusta) Forest Areas of Tangail and Mymensingh is a very important plantation tree species in agro
Forest Division. South Asian J. Agric., 2006, 1 (2), forestry and social forestry practices in
24-27. Bangladesh, particularly in the north and south
western districts of the country. For this purpose,
The study was conducted in the degraded Sal this paper represented the effect of Dalbergia
(Shorea robusta) forest areas of Tangail and sissoo on the yield or the productivity of adjoining
Mymensingh Forest Division in 2005. The main agricrops and also the effect of Dalbergia sissoo
objective of the study was to explore the impact of on soil. The study was carried out in Jibannagar
participatory forestry on the community upazila under Chuadanga district of Bangladesh.
livelihoods of the study areas. Livelihood Fifty (50) respondents were selected randomly
indicators and yearly family expenditure show that from the study area. It has been found dial 80% of
there has been a significant difference in the daily farmers collected D. sissoo seedling from
livelihoods between the participants and non- Government or different private nursery, 14%
participants. Income of the participants has farmers collected the seedling from market and 6%
increased substantially after joining the farmers raised the seedling in their homestead area.
participatory forest management program. The D. sissoo add nutrients like Nitrogen, Potassium,
Poverty Impact Ratio (PIR) of the participatory Sodium, and Calcium to the soil, thus enriched soil
forest management found to be 0.91, which is where sissoo grows. It grows harmoniously with