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homestead areas for raising woodlot. Most (96%) Isabela. All of the farms in Pangasinan, 83% in
of the respondents practice woodlot on their own Isabela and 50% in Nueva Vizcaya were inherited
land and a very few of the respondents practice while 66.67% coconut farms in Quezon were
woodlot on leased land. The woodlot owners are bought from others. Majority of the farmers (70%)
aware of the management practices, i.e. in Quezon collected their planting materials from
preparation of land, weeding, cleaning, thinning, their neighbors. All the fanners in the studied
pruning etc. All respondents take initiatives to communities replanted coconut from their own
protect their woodlot against grazing, human farms while in Isabela only 70%. Most of the
interference etc. Majority of the respondents have farmers in the studied communities selected good
no fixed rotation for Mahagoni, sissoo, babla, seedlings for their planting materials. Major
kadam, lambu, jam, ghora neem plantation. Only portion of the farmers in all the studied
27% respondents have fixed rotation of 10 years communities planted their coconut palms in square
for ipil-ipil plantation. Majority of the respondents planting system, which were very much suitable
increased their farm income through generating for intercropping in the coconut plantations. Most
cash from the woodlot by timber, fuelwood, fruit, of the farmers did not practice any farm
food etc. Underemployed agricultural labors find management in Isabela (70%) and Pangasinan
alternative labor opportunities in the woodlot (50%). All the farmers in Quezon, 70% in
plantations. Land tenural problem, inadequate Pangasinan and Isabela and 50% in Nueva Vizcaya
sources of planting materials, natural disasters etc. followed the intercrops in coconut plantation. Half
are the notable problems. of the farmers in Pangasinan and 83% in Isabela
planted fruits and 50% in Quezon planted
451 UDDIN, M.S. (Bangladesh Agricultural vegetables as intercrops. Among the farmers who
Research Institute, Gazipur); SANGALANG, J.B. planted fruits and vegetables, 80% of them planted
(Dept. of Horticulture, University of the eggplant and yard long bean, 60% banana in
Philippines, the Philippines) & BORROMEO, Quezon, 60% mango in Pangasinan and Isabela
T.H. (Dept. of Agronomy, University of the 50% banana.
Philippines, the Philippines). Production system 635 : AGRICULTURE :
and intercropping of coconuts in northern Luzon, HORTICULTURE
the Philippines. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19 (1), 67-
452 ALAM, M.S.; HAQUE, M.E. (Tuber
An investigation was undertaken to know the Crops Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural
production system and intercropping of coconuts in Research Institute, Gazipur); MALLIK, S.A.;
northern Luzon, Philippines during 2002-2003. ALAM, A. & DAS, C.K. (Hill Agricultural
Accordingly, one hundred and twenty respondents Research Station, Khagrachari). Effect of different
moisture regimes on the growth and yield of
were interviewed in four test communities eg.,
Pangasinan; Quezon; Cabagan, Isabela and Nueva tomato in the hilly area. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20
Vizcaya. Two types of ownership of coconut farm (2), 65-69.
were experienced in Quezon, Pangasinan and
Nueva Vizcaya- owner and tenant. However, the The study was conducted at the Hill Agricultural
ownership was the higher in number in these two Research Station. Khagrachan during rabi season
provinces. Caretaker system was also present in of 2004-05 and 2005-06 to find out the optimum
moisture regime on the growth and yield of