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explants produced shoots. The average number of
             445 ROY, P.K. (Institute of Food and Radiation       shoot formed per explant was 4.0 ± 1.20 and the
             Biology,  Atomic Energy Research Establishment,      average shoot length of 4.50 ± 0.80 cm were
             Dhaka). Clonal Propagation of Selected Elite         observed in this medium also after 30 days of
             Citrus Tree,  Citrus Grandis Osbeck. through  in     culture. Shoots rooted well when they were excised
             vitro Culture. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20 (1), 123-  individually and implanted on half strength  MS
             130.                                                 medium  supplemented  with 1.0 mg/l IBA, in
                                                                  which 80% of the shoot induced roots. The average
             A protocol for direct regeneration of the selected   number of root per shoot was 5.0 ±  1.0  and  the
             elite citrus tree, Citrus grandis is described. Two   average root length of 6.0 ± 1.0 cm was recorded
             types of explants, shoot tips and nodal segments     in this medium culture after 30 days.
             were used in the experiment. A  high  frequency
             of shoot regeneration was achieved on  MS+1.0        447  ROY, P.K. & KABIR,  M.H.  (Institute of
             mgl  BAP+0.25 mgl  NAA. With  repeated               Food  and Radiation Biology, Atomic Energy
             subculture  and  addition of 100 mgl  casein         Research    Establishment,   Savar,   Dhaka).
             hydrolysate to the medium enhanced the number        Micropropagation of Apple,  Malus Domestica
             of shoots per culture and  incorporation  of  100    Borkh through in vitro Culture. Bang. J. Life Sci.,
             mgl  urea to the medium increased the length of      2007, 19 (1), 107-113.
             shoots. Shoots rooted well in  half-strength  MS
             supplemented with 1.5 mgl  1BA, within 12-15         For multiple shoot regeneration,  shoot  tips  and
             days.  Well-rooted  plantlets were transferred to    nodal segments of  in vitro grown seedlings of
             earthen pots containing soil, sand and compost       apple  were used as explants. Multiple shoot
             (2:1:1)  for hardening. During hardening 85%         induction was found best in  MS  medium
             plantlets survived, which were  subsequently         supplemented  with 1.5 mg/l BAP and 0.5 mg/1
             transferred to the experimental field.               NAA. After three weeks when  they  were
              446  ROY, P.K. & KABIR, M.H.  (Plant                subcultured in the same nutrient medium, the
             Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Division,      number of shoots derived from nodal explant and
             Institute of Food and  Radiation  Biology,  Atomic   shoot tip explant were increased up to 20 and 14
             Energy Research Establishment, Savar, Dhaka). In     respectively, per culture. The addition of 100mg/l
             vitro propagation of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis)   urea in the medium enhanced the number of shoots
             through plumule and cotyledon culture.  Bang. J.     per culture and incorporation of 100 mg/l CH and
             Life Sci., 2006, 18 (2), 107-112.                    10% (v/v) CM to the medium increased the length
                                                                  of shoots. For the best rooting, well  developed
             A  high frequency plant regeneration in sweet        shoots  were excised and implanted individually
             orange  (Citrus sinensis ) was obtained on MS        onto the rooting medium  containing  half-strength
             medium  supplemented with 1.0 mg/1 BA + 0.25         MS  fortified  with  l.0mg/l 1BA, in which 95%
             mg/l NAA using plumule and cotyledon explants.       rooting  was achieved within four weeks.
             About 80% of the plumule explants produced           Regenerated    plantlets  were    successfully
             shoots.  The  average number of shoot per explant    acclimatized  and established in soil. About 85%
             was  9.0  ± 2.60 and the average shoot length of     plantlets survived under open field conditions.
             5.50 ± 1.0 cm was obtained after 30 days of
             culture. On the other hand, 50% of the cotyledon

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