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Tomato on hill top. The experiment  consisted  of    a result they could not reap the yield like research
             five  treatments  of different moisture regimes VI/   station yield of 80 t/ha. The farmers were getting
             no mulch + no irrigation (T 1) straw mulching after   about l/4th yield on an average and made a sharp
             seedling establishment (T 2) dripirrigation one      and big yield gap of tomato between on station and
             dripper in between four plants of two  rows  (T 3),   farmers'  field. It calls for an intensive extension
             one dripper in between two plants in  a  row  (T 4)   work  focused on tomato technologies and timely
             and one dripper per plant (T 5) . Drip irrigation with   support with required inputs with a view  to
             one  dripper  in between two plants in a row         minimize the yield gap for national interest.
             preduced the highest yield (48.32  tha)  with  the
             highest net rerurn of Tk 288.387 and BCK of 2.44     454  HAFIZ,  F.; BEGUM, F.; HOSSAIN,
             and also produced  per kg Tomato by spending the     A.M.I.; PARVEEN, S.; BEGUM,  M.;  NESSA,
             lowest money of Tk 327.                              Z.  (Institute  of  Food Science and Technology,
                                                                  BCSIR, Dhaka);  HOSSAIN, M. & MUNSHI,
             453 BARMAN,  S.C.  (Agril. Economics and             J.L. (BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka). Cultivation of
             Statistics  Section, HRC, BARI, Gazipur). Real       Polypore Mushroom  (Ganoderma resinaceum).
             Adoption Impact Measure of Tomato Technologies       Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (2), 115-120.
             on Production at Farmers'  Level  in  Bangladesh.
             Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (1), 15-28.        Polypore  mushroom  was found to be rich in
                                                                  protein, fiber and cellulose. Polypore mushroom is
             The study of real adoption impact (RAI) measure      found to grow on rotting hard wood logs.  So,
             of technologies on tomato production at  farmers'    attempt  was  made to cultivate the species in
             level revealed that there was a positive and         laboratory condition. The present  paper  describes
             significant relationship between yield  and  the     the process of cultivation of polypore mushroom in
             values  of  RAI which was calculated utilizing the   laboratory condition. The selected substrates (e.g.
             degrees   of   deviations   between   standard       mango saw dust, rice hull, different kinds of wood
             recommendations for tomato and their level of        chips, etc.) were mixed with calcium carbonate and
             application at farmers' field. This study  implies   water in a specific ratio, fermented and then placed
             that the higher value of RAI resulting from more     in polypropylene  bags.  The bags weighed 500 g
             proper adoption of tomato technologies would give    each. Locally isolated polypore mushroom
             higher  yield.  It was found from the estimated      mycelium were used as inoculum. The desired
             model that 1 percent higher value of RAI would       result was obtained with Garjan and Segun spawn
             give more than 4 percent greater  tomato  yield.     bags. Some of the bags  had perforations and the
             From this model it was also  found  that  the        others  were cut into one half of a circle. The
             expected yield gap and observed yield gap  of        production of polypore mushroom was about 12.3
             tomato were much greater than that of  estimated     g/ bag in perforated ones and about 13.9 g/bag in
             yield and observed yield indicating a scope to       the other. The cultivated polypore  mushroom
             increase  the yield of tomato. These results         species was found to be rich in fiber (28.9 g %),
             exclusively  indicate to a situation where tomato    protein (16.9 g %) and cellulose  (54.5  g  %).  No
             farmers were in complete  knowledge  of  the         adverse effect was recorded when crude extract of
             technologies but they were not using recommended     polypore mushroom species was  administered
             doses of inputs and also  management  practices      orally to rats (Long evans) with their normal diet.
             properly and completely in production system. As

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