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Potato plantlets responded in sugar-free media       yield  per  plant  was observed for days to 50%
             although sugar-containing media (PMM1 and            bolting, number of seeds per umbel and 1000-seed
             PMM2)  performed  better as compared to that of      weight. Days to 100% sprouting and number of
             sugar-free (PAM1 and PAM2) media. The PMM1           flowers  per  umbel showed strong significant
             produced snoot length averaging 6.25 cm with 8.08    positive genotypic correlation with seed yield,
             nodes and weighing 0.24 g fresh weight of plantlet.   whereas significant negative correlation was
             On the other hand, PAM1 grown culture produced       observed for bulb size. Days to 100%  sprouting,
             4.03 cm shoot length, 8 nodes and 0.06 g of fresh    days to 50% bolting, number of  stalks  per  plant,
             weight. Shoot length and fresh weight of plantlets   number of umbels per bulb, number of seeds per
             were  significantly  higher in PMM1 and PMM2         umbel and 1000-seed weight was related with seed
             based  media.  Whereas  the number of nodes per      yield through direct effects. Though bulb  size
             shoot was not significantly different on media with   showed negative direct effect on seed yield but it
             or without sugar (except the media PAM2). Sugar      showed indirect positive effect via stalk length,
             and vitamin-free media ( PAM2 ) performed            stalks number per plant, umbel number per  bulb
             inferior in all the traits.                          and number of seeds per umbel.

             461 SULTANA,  M.  (Plant Genetic Resources           636.08:  AGRICULTURE:LIVESTOCK-
             Center,   Bangladesh    Agricultural  Research       BREEDING
             Institute, Gazipur); ISLAM, A.K.M.A.; RASUL,
             M.G.; MIAN, M.A.K.  (Dept.  of Genetics and
             Plant Breeding, Bangadandhu Sheikh Mujibur           462  AZIZ, M.A.; FEEROZ, M.M.  (Dept. of
             Rahman     Agricultural  University,  Gazipur).      Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka)
             Estimation  of  correlation and path coefficients of   & SULTANA,  S.  (Dept. of Zoology, Satkhira
             seed yield contributing traits in onion (Allium cepa   Govt. College, Satkhira). Observations  on  the
             L.). Bang. J. Life Sci. , 2007, 19 (2), 133-139.     morphometric development and metamorphosis of
                                                                  Ornate Microhylid,  Microhyla ornata tadpole.
             Nineteen onion genotypes from different  origins     Bang. J. Life Sci. , 2006, 18 (1), 47-52.
             were  studied  in order to find out the genetic      The  study  was conducted on the morphometric
             variability,  correlation  and path coefficient for   development and metamorphosis of the tadpole of
                                                                  Ornate Microhylid,  Microhyla ornata in Wildlife
             yield contributing characters. Significant variations
             were  observed  among  the genotypes in regard to    Rescue Centre of Jahangirnagar University
             almost all characters except number of flowers per   between  April  and November 2005. The
             umbel, number of umbels per bulb and 1000-seed       progressive metamorphosis transformed  the  free
             weight.  Minimum difference between GCV and          swimming  herbivorous  aquatic tailed larva to
             PCV and high heritability coupled with high          terrestrial carnivorous tailless adult frog. The eggs
                                                                  were found small, loosely bound  with  gelatinous
             genetic advance was observed for bulb size. High
             heritability with low genetic advance was observed   substances  that floated for some days and later
             for days 100% sprouting, days to 50% bolting and     submersed and attached  with aquatic  vegetation
             seed yield per plant. Correlation  coefficient  was   near the edge of the temporal breeding sites. The
             estimated to see the association between yield and   average body length of the first  day  tadpole  was
             nine other characters of onion. Significant positive   measured  as  1.5mm (range: 1.3-1.6mm; sd±0.09;
             genotypic and phenotypic correlation  with  seed     n=12) with 3.0mm (range:  2.3-4.0mm;  sd±0.52;
                                                                  n=12) laterally compressed tail. The buds of hind

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