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throughout breeding season. It grew rapidly  and     Al centres, Rajshahi). A total 71 bulls were studied
             attained sexual maturity in ponds, but did not breed   for phenotypic parameters, viz., body weight, body
             naturally in confined water. The eggs and sperms     condition score, scrotal circumference (SC), libido
             were obtained just by  stripping  through  induced   score and time required between two ejaculates
             spawning and then fertilization was done  by         during 1993 to 2002. The information  on  the
             artificial insemination. In every experiment of six   phenotypic  parameters   was   obtained   by
             replicate  trials,  the females were treated at first   interviewing the semen collectors in respective Al
             with HCG at the rate of 7.21 mg/kg body weight       centers,  reading  the Al bull resister as well as
             and at the second time with PG hormone at the rate   examining and observing the bull  during  semen
             of  7.5  mg/kg  of body weight after an interval of   collection.  The bulls were classified according to
             nine hours. The males were  treated  with  PG  (1.5   genetic composition viz., Group I: 100% Friesian,
             mg/kg body weight) at the time of second injection   Group II: 100% Sahiwal, Group III: 75% Friesianx
             of the female. The ovulation was recorded after 7-8   25% Local, Group IV:  50%  Sahiwa  1x50%
             hours  of  the second dose of injection. The         Friesian, Group V: 50% Friesian × 50% Local and
             fecundity  of  various sizes of 20  P. nattereri was   Group  VI: 100% Local. In general, the average
             estimated by gravimetric method.  The  average       body weight, body condition  score,  scrotal
             total number of eggs laid by  individual  female     circumference (SC), libido score and time required
             (fecundity)  was  estimated to be 58,340 (34,280-    between two ejaculates were 572 ± 124 kg, 3.2 ±
             96,000)/kg body weight. The fertilization rate was   0.5 (Score:1-5), 36.3 ± 1.9cm, 3.3 ± 0.6 (Score: 1-
             observed  58-67%. Hatching of the fertilized eggs    5) and 7.1 ± 2.3 minutes, respectively. Individual
             occurred within 28±3 hours after fertilization at    bull had significant effect  on  phenotypic
             water temperature of 24-27°C. The percentage of      characteristics in six genetic groups.  The  overall
             hatching rate was observed 50-59%. A newly           better performance of phenotypic parameter was
             hatched  larva  was  devoid of mouth, pectoral fins   observed in bull Id #: 0065 for Friesian breed, 163
             and pigment, and measured 8.5 mm in length. The      for 100% Sahiwal breed, 7811 for 75% Friesian ×
             yolk sac was completely absorbed after seven days    25% Local, 5156 for 50% Sahiwal × 50% Friesian,
             of hatching. Seventy two hours old larvae started    8224 for 50% Friesian × 50% Local and 40248 for
             feeding.  Twenty  one  days old larvae gained the    100%  Local breed. Therefore, phenotypic
             shape of an original charachid fish.                 characteristics  has  clearly influenced on bull
                                                                  performances of Artificial Insemination (Al)
             467   SARDER,      M.J.U.;   SULTANA,      R.;       programme in Bangladesh.
             NAHAR, L. & ISLAM, M.A.  (Dept. of Animal
             Husbandry      and     Veterinary    Science,        468  SARKER, G.C.; KABIR, M.M.;  FEEROZ,
             Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). Phenotypic           M.M. & HASAN,  M.K.  (Dept. of Zoology,
             Characteristics of Individual Bull Used  for         Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka). Food and
             Artificial  Insemination (Al) Programme in           feeding behaviour of rhesus macaque  (Macaca
             Bangladesh. J. Bio-Sci., 2007, 15, 99-109.           mulatta) at Barmi, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Bang. J.
                                                                  Life. Sci., 2008, 20, (2), 1-8.
             The purpose of the present study was to estimate
             the  effect  of phenotypic characteristics on the    A study on food and feeding behaviour of Rhesus
             performances of bulls at  three  Al  centres/stations   macaques  (Macaca mulatta) was conducted at
             (CCBSDF, Savar, RDCIF, Rajabarihat and District      Barmi, Gazipnr of Bangladesh from April 2003 to

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