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Reproductive Traits of Different Genetic Groups of Effect of Phosphorus Supplementation on Feed
Cows. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2006, 35 (1 & 2), 1-12. Utilization and Growth Performance of Growing
Bull. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1 & 2), 83-92.
The present study was conducted to estimate the
genetic and non-genetic effects on economic traits An experiment was conducted for a period of 60
in eight different genetic groups of cows. Data days to study the availability of P from bone meal
from 735 cows were collected on at two dairy and triple super phosphate (TSP) and its effect on
farms of Bangladesh during the period from 1995 the performance of indigenous growing cattle.
to 2004. The genetic groups were Local (LL), 1/2 Nine indigenous growing cattle (about 30 month
Sahiwal × 1/2 Local (SL 1), 1/2 Local × 1/2 Friesian of age and average live weight of 163.55 ± 20.59
(LF 1) 1/4 Local × 3/4 Friesian (LF 2), 1/8 Local × kg) were randomly assigned to three dietary
7/8 Friesian (LF 3), 1/2 Sahiwal × 1/2 Friesian treatments viz : T 0 = Control (0.16% P), T 1 =
(SF 1), Red Chittagong (RC) and 1/2 Jersey × 1/2 control + bone meal (0.44% P) and T 2 = control +
local (JL 1). The traits included were birth weight, Triple super phosphate (0.44% P) each having 3
daily milk yield, lactation length and lactation animals. The control diet (T 0) consisted of
yield as productive traits, and gestation length and 69.08% rice straw, 12.65% Dhal grass, 13.25%
calving interval as reproductive traits. The heaviest broken wheat, 4.02% soybean meal, 0.6% urea
birth weight of calves was found jointly for cows and 0.4% common salt containing 0.16% P. To
in genetic groups SF 1 (24.90 kg), LF 2 (24.74 kg) elevate the P level to 0.44%, P was added in the
and LF 3 (24.49 kg), while lowest birth weight was form of from bone meal and TSP in treatment T 1
found for RC (18.47 kg). Second graded Friesian and T 2 respectively. The phosphorus balance
cows (LF 2) produced the highest daily milk yield (g/d) and the P retention (g/100 g) were
(5.66 kg) as well as highest lactation yields significantly (P<0.01) higher for the animals
(1779.25 kg), while SL 1 produced the lowest (daily receiving diets supplemented with bone meal and
milk yield and lactation yield were 2.00 and 528.88 TSP than control. With the addition of P from
kg, respectively). It was observed that higher level bone meal (T 1) and TSP (T 2), the CF, digestibility
of Friesian gene had higher genetic effect on birth increased significantly (P<0.05) while the
weight and lactation yield. Gestation length did not supplementation of P had no effect (P>0.05) on
vary significantly among different genetic groups feed intake, live weight gain, feed and protein
and the mean values of gestation length fall in the conversion efficiency, apparent digestibility of
range of 283.03 to 285.36 days. The shortest nutrients (DM, OM, CP, EE and NFE), digestible
calving interval was noticed for RC (346.75 lays. nutrients (DCO, DEE and NFE) and TDN.
The native cows LL and RC performed better than However, numerical values of feed intake, live
crossbreds in relation to calving interval in weight gain, feed and protein conversion efficiency
prevailing environment and management practices. and TDN were higher in diets T 1 and T 2. It may be
However, considering the overall performances the concluded that bone meal and TSP may be used as
Friesian crosses (SF 1, LF 1, LF 2 and LF 3) stood first, P supplement in growing bull ration.
followed by LL , JL 1 and RC.
478 TALUKDER, M.A.S. (Animal Breeding
477 RAHMAN, M.M.; KHANDAKER, Z.H. Section, Milk Vita, Sirajgonj); ISLAM, M.R.;
& RAHMAN, M.A. (Dept. of Animal Nutrition, KHANDOKER, M.A.M.Y.; AFROZ, S. &
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh). RAHMAN, M.G.M. (Dept. of Animal Breeding