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types of the Black Bengal goats. The  heritability
             The study was conducted to  evaluate  productive     and breeding value of Black Bengal  goats  were
             and reproductive performances of White goat  in      estimated using REML and BLUP procedure by
             comparison to Black ones. Data for this study were   VCE  and  PEST computer programs respectively.
             collected on distribution pattern,  productive  and   The average birth weight of the kids was 1123. 80
             reproductive traits from three areas. White goats    ± 56. 00 g. The overall body weight of kids at 1 ,
             linearly decreased from east to west  part  of       2  , 3  , 4  ,5  and 6   months were 3215.01 ±
             Bangladesh,  but,  per  cent of Black goats was      173.00, 4565.15 ± 216.10, 5963.80±291.40, 7150
             almost  similar  in  study areas. White goats were   ± 365.40, 7757.70 ± 370.00. and 8300.00±378.50 g
             heavier (p<0.05) than Black goats at 3  and  9-      respectively.  The  overall growth rate of Black
             month but, it was very similar (p>0.05) at birth, 6   Bengal  goats  was 37.84±1.81 g/day. The growth
             and 12-month of age. Average live weight at 3 and    rate  from  birth  to 3 months and 3-months to 6-
             9-month were 4.18, 10.98 kg and 3.85, 10.33  kg      months of ages were  48.28+3.25  and  27.20+2.16
             for White and Black goats respectively.  Age  at     g/day respectively. The estimated heritability of
             puberty (month), age at first kidding (month), post-  birth weight, 3 months  body  weight,  6-months
             partum  heat period (month) and kidding interval     body weight and growth from birth  to  3-months,
             (month), litter size at 3  parity were higher in     from  3-months  to  6-months and from birth to 6-
             white  goats  than  black Bengal goats and service   months were 0.649, 0.559, 0.540, 0.623, 0.545, and
             per conception (no.) was similar. Lactation length   0.537 respectively. The estimated breeding values
             (month) was longer in White goats  (4.79±0.26)       were  used  to rank the animals, which aided to
             than  in  Black goats (2.79±0.11) and White goats    make selection decision for furthering the program
             gave more milk production  (335.00±43.71g/day).      targeted to goat improvement at community level.
             DM,  Fat,  SNF  and Ash percentage of milk were
             slightly  higher  in  White goats than Black goats.   482 MUFTI,  M.M.R.  (Aqua Breeders Ltd.,
             Results indicate that White goats are in no  way     Panchaghar); AMIN, M.R. & FARUQUE, M.O.
             inferior to Black goats.                             (Dept. of Animal Breeding  and  Genetics,
                                                                  Bangladesh  Agricultural University, Mymensingh),
             481   HOQUE, G.A.; HOSSAIN, M.M.; BHUIYAN,           Comparative Efficiency of Different  Methods  for
             A.K.F.H. & AMIN, M.R. (Dept. of Animal Breeding      DNA Extraction from Goat Blood.  Bang. J. Anim.
             and Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University,    Sci., 2006, 35 (1 & 2), 13-19.
             Mymensingh).    Productive  Performance   and
             Genetic Status of Black Bengal Goat Produced at      The research was conducted to compare the
             Farmers level Through  Contract  Breeding            efficiency of different methods  for  extraction  of
             Program. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1 & 2), 1-   DNA from goat blood. For this purpose 20 blood
             9.                                                   samples were collected from Black Bengal goats.
                                                                  Three methods, namely High Salt method (Method
             The  experiment  was carried out using data on       1), Standard Saline Citrate buffer method (Method
             Black Bengal goats obtained  front  a  community     2), Phenol-Chloroform extraction method (Method
             based breeding program under  village  conditions.   3) were compared. The quantity of DNA obtained
             The traits considered for this study were  birth     from  Method  1, Method 2 and Method 3 were
             weight, monthly body weight and growth rate up to    212.50±10.18,  240.00±11.24 and 170.00±10.51
             6 months in different sexes, sires, parities and birth   µg/ml respectively. The extracted  DNA  quantity

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