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and Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, considered were birth weight, weight at 3, 6, 9 and
Mymensingh). Studies on Semen Characteristics of 12-month, daily milk yield, lactation length,
Different Crossbred Bulls. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., lactation yield and litter size. The mean sex pooled
2005, 34 (1 & 2), 11-16. birth weight and weigh at 3, 6,9, and 12-month of
Black Bengal kids were found to be 1.31, 5.65,
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the 9.63, 14.20 and 17.70 kg respectively. Daily milk
effect of genetic group of bull on semen yield, lactation length and lactation yield were 0.55
characteristics. Semen was collected from thirty kg/d, 92.13 days and 47.57 kg respectively.
five breeding bulls belonging to six genetic groups Average litter size was noticed to be 2.16.
(75% Holstein Friesian (HF) × 25% Local (L), Comparatively low h (0.26) was found for birth
50%HF × 50%L, 62.5% HF × 37.5%L, 87.5% HF weight which might be due to variation in location,
× l2,5% L, 68.75% HF × 31.25%L and 75% flock size, sample size and method of estimation.
Sahiwal (SL) × 25%L). Genetic groups had a The estimated h of 0.40, 0.50, 0.37 and 0.36 were
significant (p<0.05) effect on semen observed for 3, 6, 9 and 12-month body weight.
characteristics. The significantly (p<0.05) highest The h of 6-month weight was the highest and thus
semen volume per ejaculate (cc), % individual this weight could be used as the selection criteria.
motility (progressive) and sperm concentration High h of milk yield (0.55) indicated the high
(million/cc) were found in 87.5% HF × l2.5% L additive genetic contribution. Litter size had very
low h (0.09) indicating very little scope for
and lowest in 50% HF × 50%L. Furthermore a
positive correlation between volume of ejaculate, genetic improvement of this trait through selective
motility and sperm concentration were also found. breeding. Predicted breeding values (PBV) for
It was concluded that 87.5% HF × l2.5% L genetic birth weight, 3, 6, and 9-month weight and daily
group was suitable for most of the semen milk yield were calculated. Among the live weight
parameters than other groups. categories of Black Bengal goat, the maximum
PBV was found for 6-month body weight (12.94
636 . 39 : AGRICULTURE : GOATS kg) and the PBV for daily milk yield was 1.51 kg.
In all the stages of body weight, breeding values
had an increasing trend with the increase of
479 AKHTER, S.; CHOWDHURY, S.A.; generations. It is important to note that high h at
DEV, G.K. (Bangladesh Livestock Research 6-month body weight and milk yield could •
Institute, Savar, Dhaka); HUSAIN, S.S. (Dept. of probably be used in selecting Black Bengal goat
Animal Breeding and Genetics, Bangladesh for its future genetic improvement.
Agricultural University, Mymensingh) &
MUNZUR, M.M. (Savar Dairy Farm, Savar, 480 ALAM, M.K.; SARKER, M.M.; UDDIN,
Dhaka). Estimation of Variance Components and M.J. (Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute,
Prediction of Breeding Value for Some Savar, Dhaka); AMIN, M.R.; NASRIN, S. &
Economically Important Traits of Black Bengal IQBAL, A. (Dept. of Animal Breeding and
Goat. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2006, 35 (1 & 2), 20-26. Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh). Productive and reproductive
The data of this study were obtained from the goat performance evaluation of white and black goat in
breeding project conducted at the Bangladesh some selected areas of Bangladesh. Bang. J. Life
Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) during 1998 - Sci., 2008, 20 (1), 95-104.
2004. The productive and reproductive parameters