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female combined sexes that received feeds from and 1 .94 % chromium. Cadmium, lead, arsenic,
mill A was better than that of feed mill B & C. and mercury contents of all samples were also
Gizzard weight of female and male-female determined. The detected maximum and minimum
combined in birds receiving feeds of feed mill A & concentrations of these elements were found to be:
B were better than that of feed mill C. The 3.888 ppm and 0.991 ppm for cadmium, 30.114
performance of commercial broilers fed feeds from ppm and 7.577 ppm for lead, 2.212 ppm and 0.099
different feed mills was satisfactory although birds ppm for arsenic, and 13.916 ppm and 0.166 ppm
that received diets containing highest protein level for mercury.
of feed mill C showed best results and found to be
most cost effective. 487 HOSSAIN, M.A. (Govt. Poultry Farm,
Dinajpur); HOSSAIN, M.E. (Dept. of Poultry
486 HOSSAIN, A.M.M.M.; MONIR, T.; Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
REZWAN-UL-HAQUE, A.M.; ELAHI, S.F. Mymensingh) & ASAD, L. (Dept. of Animal
(Dept. of Soil, Water and Environment, Dhaka Breeding and Genetics, Dinajpur Govt. Veterinary
University, Dhaka); KAZI, M.A.I. & ISLAM, College, Dinajpur). Effect of Protein Sources on
M.S. (Analytical Research Division, BCSIR, the Performance of Broiler Under Integrated
Dhaka). Heavy Metal Concentration in Tannery Farming System. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2006, 35 (1
Solid Wastes Used as Poultry Feed and The & 2), 106-114.
Ecotoxicological Consequences. Bang. J. Sci. Ind.
Res., 2007, 42 (4), 397-416. In the present experiment, body weight, feed
consumption, feed conversion ratio, protein intake,
In Bangladesh, the tannery solid wastes are protein efficiency, energy intake, energy
converted to protein-concentrate to be used as efficiency, livability of broiler and fish production
poultry feed, fish feed, and in production of in the ponds relating to different experimental
organic fertilizers. Over the last several years it is a rations were evaluated. A total of 200 day old
common phenomenon in the largest tanning area of shaver Starbro broiler straight-run chicks were
the country, the Hazaribagh tannery area at the reared on the pond in two treatment groups. Broiler
south-east part of Dhaka city. One of the major in treatment group T 1 reared over pond P 1 fed on
concerns of these activities is the heavy metals, the ration ER 1 (contained soybean meal and fish
especially chromium, used in the tanning meal), on the ther hand broilers in treatment group
processes. A total of 18 samples were collected to T 2 reared over pond P 2 fed on the ration ER 2
study the heavy metal status of protein-concentrate (contained fish meal). The average total body
production in the tanning area at various stages weight and body weight gain of broiler at the end
from the source to the final product, and to of 8 weeks were found highest in treatment group
compare this with the imported ones. The various T 1P 1 (1655.99 and 1615.88 g) in comparison with
types of solid waste processing for protein- those of T 2P 2 (1574.11 and 1534.52 g) but these
concentrate production were covered in sampling, differences were non-significant. There were
and along with the heavy metal status these significant differences in feed consumption and
processes were studied comprehensively. The feed conversion ratio between the treatment groups
maximum chromium content of the solid waste and the better FCR was found in T 1P 1 during the
was found to be 3.2 %. The final products sampled experimental period. The total protein intake of
at two different places contained as high as 2.49 % broilers did not differ significantly among the