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496 ANIK,  A.R.  (Transparency International         between  the protein levels. Percentage of does
             Bangladesh, Dhaka) & REZA, A.  (Dept. of             kidded,  gestation period, individual kit weight at
             Animal    Nutrition,  Bangladesh   Agricultural      weaning, individual kit weight gain upto weaning
             University, Mymensingh). Profitability  of  Rabbit   and kit mortality upto weaning did  not  differ
             Rearing in two Selected Villages of Bangladesh.      significantly  (P>0.05) among the levels of
             Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2006, 35 (1 & 2), 75-84.        supplemental energy. However, litter size  at
                                                                  weaning,  litter weight at weaning and total kits
             Profitability of rabbit rearing and its effect on total   alive at weaning differed significantly  (P<0.05)
             income of the farmers' households  was  estimated    among the supplemental energy levels. The study
             in this article. Gross return, return over total cost,   revealed  that  ad libitum green grass plus
             revenue cost ratio was employed here to estimate     supplementary concentrate mixture containing
             the profitability of rabbit farming. All the estimates   2700 kcal ME /kg DM and 16% CP was best for
             of profitability showed positive results. Moreover,   optimum growth and 2500 kcal ME/kg DM  with
             income  from  rabbit  rearing was found to have      16% CP, is best for reproductive performance of
             positive  significant impact on total income of      female rabbits.
             farmers' household.
                                                                  498  KARIM, M.M.; CARTHY, J.E.G.M.C.;
             497 ISLAM,  M.N.  (Lion Feeds Limited,               (Posttranscriptional  Control Group, Dept. of
             Gazipur);  REZA, A.  (Dept. of Animal Nutrition,     Biomolecular Sciences, University of Manchester,
             Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh)      Institute of Science & Technology (UMIST)
             & ISLAM, S.  (Dept. of Animal Science,               Manchester M601QD, U.K.).  Repression of Cap-
             BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur). Effect of Different         Dependent Translation by 4E-Binding Proteins in
             Levels of Energy and Protein on Growth  and          Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysates.  Bang. J. Microbiol.,
             Reproductive Performance of Rabbits Fed  Dhal        2005, 22(1), 10-14.
             Grass (Hymenachne amplexicaulis) as Basal Feed.
             Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2007, 36 (1 & 2), 73-81.        The cap structure, m GpppN, is present at the  5’
                                                                  end of all  eukaryotic  cellular (except organellar)
             An  experiment  was  conducted for 130 days with     mRNAs. Initiation of translation is mediated by the
             eighteen growing female rabbits (16 to  18  weeks    multi-subunit  initiation  factor eIF4F, which binds
             age, 1300-1560 g body weight) divided into three     the  cap  structure via its eIF4E subunit and
             blocks and each block was then assigned at random    facilitates the binding of mRNA to ribosome. The
             to six dietary treatments in a 3 × 2 factorial design   eIF4E activity is regulated in  part  by  two
             (i.e. energy 2300, 2500, 2700 kcal ME/kg DM and      translational  repressors, 4E-BP1 and 4E-BP2,
             crude protein 14 and 16%) having three rabbits in    which bind to it and prevent  its  assembly  into
             each treatment group, where dhal grass was offered   eIF4F. We purified the recombinant 4 E-BP1 and
             ad  libitum. Dry matter intake and FCR               4E-BP2 using Escherichia coli as expression host
             significantly (P<0.01) decreased with the increased   and studied their ability to inhibit translation in a
             levels of energy in both growth and reproduction     cell-free translation system, the rabbit reticulocyte
             periods. But live weight gain and GV significantly   lysates. Both of the 4E-BPs inhibits translation of a
             (P<0.01)  increased with increasing levels of        capped RNA in a dose-dependent manner under
             supplemental energy in the diet. Dry matter intake,   conditions  when  they produce no effect on
             FCR and GV did not differ significantly (P>0.05)     uncapped message. This result clearly indicates

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