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the commercial infant milk food samples was areas were surveyed. The dairy farm owners were
lower than the suggested standards of International interviewed and the data were collected using
Commission on Microbiological Specification for interview schedules for the purpose. The present
Foods (ICMSF).
investigation revealed that 31.25% local breed
508 KHAN, M.A.S. & SIDDIKI, M.S.R. (Dept. and 39.00% crossbred farm owners had no
of Dairy Science, Bangladesh Agricultural education. Homestead and cultivable land of two
University, Mymensingh). A Review on Present types of farm owners were 0.28 and 4.41 acres
Scenario of Dairy Industry in Bangladesh. Bang. J. and 0.09 and 3.38 acres, respectively. The study
Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1 & 2), 121-130. identified thirty IK on the dairy cattle production
system. Results on the use of IK by the farmers
Livestock rearing is an integral part of the farming indicate that out of a variety of food and feeding
system which plays vital role in agro-based practices, feeding colostrums to newborn calves
economy of Bangladesh. Dairying is always a part had the highest (90.30%) and feeding germinated
of mixed farming system which is the predominant peel of gram had the lowest (2.24%) scores.
source of income generation. But the major Farmers apply IK for treatment of diseases as
constraints of dairy production are the shortage of loose motion, worming, foot and mouth diseases
feeds and fodder both in quality and quantity, (FMD), mastitis, cataract, wounds of their cattle.
breeds of cattle, poor management practices and Scarcity of foods and fodder coupled with high
health care and importation of low quality feed cost were the most important constraints
powdered milk. The article will cover the present identified by the local (89.29%) and crossbred
scenario of dairy industry in Bangladesh at the dairy farm owners (100.0%). For the local breed
same time identify the problems for development cattle FMD (84.5%) and endoparasites (35.71%)
of dairying and policy for the future dairy were the dominating diseases, whereas mastitis
development. (94.0%) and FMD (90.0%) were the dominating
diseases in crossbred cattle. All crossbred dairy
509 RAHEED, M.G.; ISLAM, M.S.; SALAM, farm owners (100.0%) suggested that a low cost
M.A. (Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi University, processed feed is essential for improving dairy
Rajshahi) & HOSSAIN, M. M. (Dept. of Animal production while most of the local breed farmers
Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, (95.20%) opined in favour of proper breeding
Mymensingh). Problems and Opinions of the Dairy facilities.
Farm Owners Using Indigenous Knowledge for 510 ROKHSANA, F.; DAS, U.K.; YEASMIN,
Profitable Dairy Farming in Rajshahi District. R.; NAHAR, A. & PARVEEN, S. (Institute of
Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2006, 35 (1 & 2), 65-74. Food Science and Technology, BCSIR, Dhaka).
Studies on the Preservation of Raw Cow's Milk
The study investigated the personal information By Chemical Method. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res.,
and indigenous knowledge (IK) on feeding, 2007, 42 (3), 317-326.
breeding and health care; problems and opinions
of the farmers' (private enterprises) regarding Studies carried out to develop a technique for the
beneficial dairy farming in Rajshahi district of preservation of cow's milk in raw condition using
Bangladesh. A total of 134 mini dairy farms hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2) as a preservative. Fresh
belonging to 84 local breed and 50 crossbred cow's milk was collected and experiments were
farms situated in urban, semi-urban and rural conducted by four treatments in order to achieve