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The 5% added flour rasogolla obtained best           Vs 135 g/d) in dry season and 0.73 Kg/d (4. 84 vs
             score on the basis of  overall physical score        5. 57 Kg/d) and 28 g/d (22  Vs  50  g/d)  in  rainy
             (92.83±1.50)    followed    by    1%     flour       season,  respectively. Calving to 1  estrus,
             (85.39±3.16), 10% flour (88.79±1.67) and             conception and calving interval was reduced by 31,
             15% flour (77.55±1.99). The differences              60  and  60 days in dry season and 19, 43 and 40
             within the overall score were significant            days in rainy season. UMB supplement resulted in
             (P<0.01). From chemical parameters (except           a  better  economic return due to improvement of
             carbohydrate and total solids),  it  is  evident     production and reproductive efficiency, especially
             that the addition of 1% or 5% flour indicates        during the dry season when green fodder scarcity
             better for the manufacture of rasogolla. The         arises.  UMB      supplementation   may    be
             differences within the  chemical parameters          recommended for improvement of production and
             were significant (P<0.01). From the results of       reproductive  efficiency especially during dry
             all parameters, it may be concluded that flour       season in the tropics.
             levels can change the  quality of rasogolla. In
             the preparation of rasogolla, flour may be           503 GONI,  M.O.  (Livestock Youth Training
             added at 5% level (as per weight of chhana).         Centre, Sylhet);  RAHMAN, M.G.M.; ISLAM,
                                                                  M.R.  (Dept. of Animal Breding and  Genetics,
             502 CHOWDHURY,            M.A.R.;     KHAN,          Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh);
             M.A.S.; ISLAM, M.N.  (Dept. of Dairy                 KHANDOKER, M.A.M.Y. &  TALUKDER,
             Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University,         M.A.S.  (Animal Breeding Section, Milk Vita,
             Mymensingh);      KABIR,      A.K.M.A.      &        Sirajgonj).  Reproductive    and    Productive
             RAHMAN, A.B.M.M.  (Dept. of Animal                   Performance of Different Dairy Breeds  at

             Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University,         Baghabarighat Milk  Producer's.  Co-Operative
             Mymensingh). Supplementation of Straw                Union Limited. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1 &
             Based Diet with Urea Molasses Block to               2), 27-36.
             Improve Milk Yield, Growth and
             Reproductive Efficiency of Cross-Bred                The aim of the study was to investigate the birth

             Dairy Cows. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1         weight of calves, age at puberty, age  at  first
             & 2), 131-136.                                       calving,  service per conception, post-partum heat
             Sixty upgraded (Holstein Friesian  x  indigenous     period, milk yield, gestation  period,  lactation
             cows) lactating cows of 31 smallholder farms were    length and calving interval of the Sahiwal × Local
             studied to evaluate the  effectiveness  of  feeding   (SL  ×  L) and Holstein-Friesian  × Sahiwal (HF  ×
             urea molasses block (UMB) during dry (November       SL) cows. The average birth weight of calves, age
             to  April)  and  rainy season (May to October) in    at puberty, age at first calving, service  per
             Bangladesh in terms of  productive  performances.    conception, post-partum heat period of SL  × L
             Milk  yield, body weight changes of cows and         crossbred  cows  were  23.44 ± 1.61 kg, 958.73 ±
             calves,  reproductive  performance of cows and       229.04 days, 1258.45±240.11 days, 141±0.63,
             economic benefit from UMB supplement  were           116.28 ± 38.02 days respectively and 25.81 ±1.52
             studied for 6 months. Milk yield and body weight     kg, 723.94±91.62 days, 1011.38±90.16 days,
             gain of pregnant cows up  to  6  months  were        1.13±0.34, 96.88 ± 31.08 days respectively for HF
             increased  significantly (P<0. 05) in both seasons   × SL crossbred cows. Average gestation period and
             by 1. 54 Kg/d (4. 75 vs 6.29 Kg/d) and 107 g/d (18   calving interval were 284.64±6.68 days and

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