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that the recombinant proteins are  fully  functional
             in mediating expression  of  Cap-dependent           To assess the quality of sweetened condensed milk
             translation.                                         of Bangladesh four different brands of sweetened
                                                                  condensed milk were selected viz. Danish,  Fresh
             499 SINGH,  A.K.  (PARE Program,  MCC                milk, Star ship and Goalini. Twenty samples were
             Office,  Sirajgonj).  Effect  of   Concentrate       analyzed for physical (organoleptic), chemical and
             Supplement on  Rabbit Fattening.  Bang. J. Anim.     microbiological qualities. From the physical test it
             Sci., 2006, 35 (1 & 2), 85-90.                       was observed that all samples were in good grade
                                                                  i.e. fresh, free from odour, viscous and smooth,
             An experiment was conducted with 18  male            rich cream to yellow in colour and very sweet in
             rabbits (aged 1.5-2 (months)  in  MCC  rabbitary,    taste. The average physical score was 88.05±7.631.
             Madhupur, Tangail to determine  the  effect  of      Sweetened condensed milk had a titrable acidity of
             concentrate supplement on  rabbit  fattening.        0.135 to 0.180 %; fat 6.80 to 8.0 %; protein 6.51 to
             Rabbits were categorized into 3 treatment groups     7.96 %; ash 1.50 to 1.83 %; carbohydrate 53.74 to
             having 6 rabbits each. Control group (T 3)           55.62 % and total solids (TS) 69.98  to  73.15  %.
             received only ad libitum green grass and treated     The total viable count was in the range of l0 × 10
             groups T 1  and T 2 received 100 g  and  50  g       to 20  × l0   CUF/g;  no coliform bacteria were
             concentrate feed in addition to  ad libitum green    found. The results of acidity percentage,  fat
             grass. The live weight of the animals at the end of   content, organoleptic tests and  microbiological
             the experiment were 1366.66, 1350.0 and 713.33       tests indicated that there was no variation  among
             g in groups T 1, T 2  and T 3  respectively and there   different brands of sweetened condensed milk. But,
             was statistical difference between them (P< 0.01).   when other chemical parameters (protein,  ash,
             It was also found that FCE of the rabbit of  T 2     carbohydrate and total solids) were considered then
             (0.17) and T 1 (0.12) were significantly (P< 0.01)   Star ship was found to be better than that  of
             higher than the T 3 (0.03). The highest cost profit   Danish, Goalini and Fresh milk.
             ratio was obtained in T 2  (0.49) where as the
             lowest was in T 3 (0.16). Therefore,  diet           501  BASAK, S.; HASSAN, M.N.; UDDIN,
             containing concentrate supplement at the  rate  of   M.J.  (Dept. of Dairy Science,  Bangladesh
             50 g/d with ad libitum green grass may  be           Agricultural University, Mymensingh) & IQBAL,
             suggested for rabbit fattening.                      A.  (Dept. of Animal Breeding and  Genetics,
             637.1 :   AGRICULTURE : DAIRYING                     Bangladesh  Agricultural University, Mymensingh).
                                                                  Quality of Rasogolla Prepared  From Cow's Milk
             500   ASADUZZAMAN, M. (Baghbarighat Dairy            with  the  Addition  of Different Levels of Flour.
             Plant  (Milk Vita), Sirajgonj); MIAH, M.Y.; ARA,     Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2007, 36 (1 & 2), 105-112.
             A.; KHAN,  M.M.H.  (Sylhet Govt. Veterinary
             College, Sylhet); MANNAN,  A.K.M.A.  (Dept. of       The aim of the present work was to determine
             Dairy Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University,   the addition of optimum level of flour in the
             Mymensingh);  DAWLATANA,  M. & RAHIM, M.             preparation of rasogolla. Four types of
             (IFST, BCSIR, Dhaka). A Study on the  Quality  of    rasogolla were prepared by addition of 1, 5, 10
             Sweetened Condensed Milk available in the Local      and 15% flour with chhana. The prepared
             Market of Bangladesh. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007,   rasogolla were subjected to physical and
             42 (2), 147-156.                                     chemical analyses to evaluate their qualities.

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