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regions  in  rainy  season. One upazila from each    could be solved. In terms of profitability, income
             district and three villages from each upazila were   and employment generation, duck rearing appeared
             selected randomly. Fifty farmers  were  selected     to be a promising sub-sector.
             from each village at random, based on the duck
             population of farmers having at least 5  ducks       495  RAHMAN,  M.M.; MOSTAFA, M.G.
             throughout the year. Thus, a total of 300 farmers    (Dept. of Livestock Services, Govt. of the People's
             were selected for this study. Primary  data  was     Republic of Bangladesh); KHAN, M.J. &
             collected  by using an interview schedule. Results   SHAHJALAL, M.  (Dept. of Animal  Nutrition,
             showed  that  the  majority of the farmers (38.5%)   Bangladesh Agricultural University,  Mymensingh).
             belonged to middle-age category. About 30%  of       Effect of Feed Supplementation  on Production
             the  farmers  have  got primary level of education.   Potentiality and Carcass Characteristics of  three
             About  half of the respondents (50%) had large       Genotypes of Scavenging Ducklings in Coastal
             family  size.  The  average number of persons per    Area of Bangladesh. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2006, 35
             family was seven. Most of the farmers (27%) had      (1 & 2), 91-98.
             small land size with an average of 1.03 ha of land
             per  household  Sixty  one per cent of the           Production potentiality and carcass  characteristics
             respondents considered agriculture as  a  main       of  three  genotypes (Muscovy, Pekin and
             occupation. Ninety nine per cent farmers annually    Indigenous duck) of scavenging ducklings  were
             earned Taka 1501.00 from duck  rearing.  The         investigated for a period of 98 days with day old
             majority of the farmers (82%) involved in rearing    ducklings in three villages of Noakhali  district
             Deshi ducks followed by Crossbred  (12%)  and        following 3  × 3 factorial experiment  in  a
             Hybrid (6%). Forty five per cent of the respondents   Randomized  Block  Design. All birds were given
             cleaned  their duck houses 2-3 times in a month      equal amount of mash feed composed of 50% rice
             whereas only 11 per cent cleaned their duck houses   polish, 30% broken rice and 20% wheat  bran.
             everyday, 21 per cent once in month, 18 per cent 4-  Three ducks from each genotype were slaughtered
             6 times in a month and 5 per cent fanners cleaned    at 6, 10 and 14  week of age to study  dressing
             their duck houses 7-10 times in a month. Sixty two   percentage. Live weight gain and feed conversion
             per cent farmers reared  ducks  in  scavenging       ratio were highest in Muscovy compared to Pek in
             condition with only natural feed resources and only   and indigenous duck. The Muscovy attained  the
             38 per cent farmers used supplemental  feed,         highest  dressing yield percentage followed by
             mainly rice polish in an amount of 63g daily. The    Pekin and indigenous duck. Genotypes and age at
             majority of the farmers (85.5%) in  both  districts   slaughter had a significant effect on dressing yield
             did not use vaccines  against  duck  diseases.       (P<0.01).   Muscovy    ducklings   with   the
             However, 9 per cent of the  farmers  buried  their   supplementation of 10 g mash feed daily during the
             dead  ducks  somewhere else. Results showed that     first week and with an increase of 10 g in  each
             79  per  cent egg production was found in rainy      week until 6  week of age was found  to  be
             season followed by winter (13%) and  summer          appropriate for meat producing scavenging bird for
             (8%). It was found from the study that most of the   the farmers of coastal regions of Bangladesh.
             farmers (70%) preferred to sell  their  eggs  and
             ducks to the foria and in local market. It was also   636.92 :  AGRICULTURE : RABBITS
             observed  that  duck raising would be more

             profitable business if the problems related to it

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