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October 2005 to May 2006. All recorded data were Poultry Science, Bangladesh Agricultural
subjected to analysis of variance in a two factors University, Mymensingh). Quality Assessment of
(season and flock size) randomized complete block Broiler Feeds from Three Feed Mills in terms of
design. Significant seasonal variations were found Nutrient Contents, Productive Performance and
in case of body weight, feed consumption, feed Meat Yields. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1 & 2),
conversion and performance index. Bird reared in 151-160.
winter, gained more weight (1.71 kg bird ) than
spring (1.43 kg bird ) and summer (1.31 kg bird – Nutrient profile of compound broiler feeds
1 ). Whereas, highest survivability was found in manufactured in 3 feed mills of Bangladesh (A, B
winter and spring season. Superior (p<0.05) and C) was investigated and their effects on
performance index was noted in birds reared in productive performance and meat yields were
winter. The cost of housing per bird ranged from determined in a feeding trial with 240 day-old
Tk. 1.54 to Tk. 2.15 at different locations, which commercial broiler chicks (Cobb-500). The chicks
accounted 2.06 to 2.95% of the total cost of were randomly distributed in 12 different pens
production. While the equipment cost per bird with 20 chicks each that constituted an
ranged from Tk. 0.48 to Tk. 0.65, which accounted experimental unit. Compound broiler feeds
0.54 to 0.92 per cent of the total cost of manufactured in 3 feed mills (feed mills A, B and
productions. Chick cost in broiler farming ranged C) were randomly considered from 10 feed mills
from Tk. 16 to 23 per bird in different seasons. and different diets from each feed mill were
Feed, vaccination & medication, litter, labour and assigned to birds in 4 different replicate groups
electricity costs ranged from 57 to 60, 3.51 to (pens) each of 20. The broilers of all treatment
4.35,1.24 to 1.74, 3.56 to 5.79, and 1.07 to 1.95 per groups were supplied feeds and water ad libitum
cent of the total cost, respectively. The highest throughout the experimental period. Other
total variable cost (Tk. 78.05) was obtained during management procedures including lighting pattern,
winter followed by summer (Tk. 71.18) and spring vaccination, litter management etc. were identical
(Tk. 63.68). Gross return from marketing the live for all feed mill groups. Nutrient status of the diets
birds indicated that it was higher in winter season of 3 feed mills although varied, was more or less
than in spring or summer. Farmers received lower content was highest in the diets of feed mill C. It
market price kg live bird, in winter and spring appeared from birds' live performance that highest
but, gross return was higher (Tk. 83.66). Savar final body weight and lowest FCR were 1752.5 g
production unit gained higher gross return than and 1.37 respectively in birds that received diets
other units. Higher gross profit was found in from feed mill C during a period 30 days only.
summer (Tk. 10.33 bird ) from medium size farm Results of productive performances of 3 treatments
(Tk.7.35 bird ) and lowest in winter (Tk.5.61 bird – were very much acceptable but results from the
1 ). Although gross margin was found higher in birds that received feeds from similar except the
small flocks, but superior gross profit in medium protein content. Crude protein feed mill C
flocks (Tk. 9.39 vs Tk. 6.13) was due to better appeared to be most satisfactory. Differences in
market price. Cost- benefit ratio values ranged edible meat yield characteristics such as dressing
from 1.06 to 1.20. yield, weights of thigh meat, breast meat, wing
meat, liver, heart and abdominal fat did not differ
485 CHOWDHURY, S.D.; ROY, K.R.; significantly among birds receiving diets from
SULTANA, N. & HASAN, M.N. (Dept. of different feed mills. Drumstick meat of male-