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metals  as  contaminants into poultry feeds which    M.M.  (Dept.  of  General Animal Science and
             demands immediate attention.                         Animal Nutrition, Barisal  Govt.  Veterinary
                                                                  College, Barisal). Comparative Evaluation of Egg
             492  ISLAM,  M.S.; UDDIN, M.N.; ISLAM,               Quality Characteristics of Broiler Parent Stock and
             M.T.  (Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University,   Synthetic Broiler. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2007, 36 (1
             Khulna); ISLAM, K.N.; SULTANA, R.  (Aftab            & 2), 82-87.
             Bohumukhi Farms Ltd.,  Bajitpur,  Kishoregonj).
             Study on the Performance of Arbor  Acres  Parent     The present research work was aimed at comparing
             Stock Reared in Different Housing Systems. South     the egg quality characteristics of  broiler  parent
             Asian J. Agric., 2006, 1 (2), 72-75.                 stock and synthetic broiler. Equal number of eggs
                                                                  (n = 30) were collected from Kasila broiler parent
             The  study  was  conducted on the broiler parent     stock (K-BPS) and synthetic broiler (SB) to
             stock, Arbor Acres, reared in three different        compare their egg quality characteristics. Specific
             housing  systems (Pad cooling, Open-sided and        gravity (SpG) was significantly higher  in  K-BPS
             Contract farmer's shed) at Aftab Bohumukhi Farms     than that of SB. Both  type  of  birds  showed
             Ltd. (ABFL), Bajitpur, Kishoregonj.  Data  were      significant results on egg weight, dry shell weight,
             collected from the record register of ABFL and       shell surface area, breaking strength and shell DM
             parent stocks having 26 to 64 weeks of age were      (P<0.05). Data for Kasila were higher for dry shell
             under consideration. Management practices were       weight, shell surface area,  breaking  strength  and
             almost similar for Arbor Acres reared under three    shell DM than that of SB (P<0.0l). On the  other
             housing systems. The experiment was carried out      hand, no significant difference was found for
             to determine the production performance of Arbor     Haugh  unit, shape index, shell thickness, percent
             Acres  housed in three different housing systems.    shell, yolk DM (%), yolk index and yolk  colour
             The differences in egg production  under  three      score between the eggs of  Kasila  and  synthetic
             different housing systems  were  statistically       broiler. From the results it  was  concluded  that
             significant (P<0.05). The number of eggs set in pad   values of both external and  internal  egg  quality
             cooling, open-sided and contract  farmer's  shed     characteristics of some of the traits although
             were highly significantly varied. Infertility        differed  significantly were within the normal
             percentage in pad cooling, open-sided and contract   ranges and therefore, may be acceptable.
             farmer's shed was 7.30, 8.98 and 8.76, respectively   494  RAHMAN,  M.M.; KHAN, M.R.A.;
             and statistically significant  differences  were     KHAN., M.J.; SHAHJALAL, M.  (Dept. of
             observed. No significant differences were found in   Animal   Nutrition,  Bangladesh   Agricultural
             hatching egg production, hatchability, dead in shell   University, Mymensingh); MOSTAFA, M.G.  &
             (DIS), cull percentage and  salable  percentage      BELL, J.  (Dept. of Livestock Services,  Govt.  of
             under three different housing systems. Finally, it is   the People's Republic of Bangladesh). Duck
             evident  from  the result of the experiment that     Rearing  System in the Coastal Regions of
             Arbor Acres can able to sustain in three different   Bangladesh During Rainy Season. Bang. J. Anim.
             housing systems with acceptable performance.         Sci., 2005, 34 (1 & 2), 137-149.

             493  NAHAR, K.; AHMED,  S.;  RAHMAN,                 A  study  was conducted in two southern coastal
             M.S.  (Dept. of Poultry Science, Bangladesh          districts of Bangladesh (Noakhali and Lakshmipur)
             Agricultural University, Mymensingh) & MONIR,        to know the existing duck rearing system of  the

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