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402.34±37.51 days for SL × L and 286.18±6.01 0.01). Significant difference (P<0.05) was also
days and 382.83±37.96 days for HF × SL found within the total viable bacterial count, yeast
respectively. Average milk production of SL × L count and mould count. Though the coliform count
and HF × SL crossbred cows were 8.80±1.62 and differed insignificantly among the different
12.5±2.29 litres per day, respectively. The total samples, presence of coliform in all the samples
milk production of HF × SL (3234.5±661.52 litres) was high, which is an indication of unsanitary
was higher than the SL × L (2059±544.36 liters) condition. Considering all parameters, the
medium-salted Dhaka cheese had the highest
cows per lactation. The highest milk production
was in the second lactation (8.82 liters and 12.5 acceptability.
litres for SLxL and HF × SL cows respectively). 505 HAMID, M.A.; HOSSAIN, S.M. (Dept. of
Average lactation length of the SLH × L and HF × Dairy Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
SL crossbred cows were 269.88±45.28 and Mymensingh); ZAHARABY, A.K.M. (Proshika,
291.96±20.49 days, respectively.
Dhaka); ISLAM, K.M.S. (Dept. of Animal
Nutrition, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
504 HABIB, R. & HASSAN, M.N. (Dept. of Mymensingh) & SULTANA, N. (Bangladesh
Dairy Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka).
Mymensingh). Quality of Dhaka Cheese Available in Women's Role in Dairying: a Rural Development
Dhaka City Markets. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1
Perspective. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2006, 35 (1 & 2),
& 2), 111-119.
The experiment aimed at judging the quality of The study was undertaken to know the
locally prepared Dhaka Cheese sold at different involvement of women and other family members
markets of the Dhaka city. Low salted, medium in the decision making of dairying in relation to
salted, and high salted cheese samples were
feeding, management, health care and marketing.
collected from different markets of the Dhaka City. Four locations in the Mymensingh Sadar were
Parameters used to monitor the quality of cheese selected namely Sutiakhali, Boyra, Digharkanda
were physical (colour & appearance, flavour, body and Bangladesh Agricultural University Campus.
& texture, sharp sour, bitter, mouldy, overall Randomly 25 farm families were selected from
acceptability), chemical (% moisture, % total each location. Necessary information were
solids, % protein, % fat, % ash + salt, % acidity,
collected following prescribe. It was observed that
pH value) and microbiological (total viable 62.0% housewives of middle age (between 30 to
bacterial count, coliform count yeast count, mould 40 years) were involved in dairying. These women
count). Statistical analysis showed that there was were mostly illiterate (84.0%) and only 12.0%
significant difference (P<0.05) within the colour could read and write. It was also observed that in
and appearance scores, flavour scores, body and
decision making regarding feeding and
texture scores, sharp sour scores, and overall management, women had highest participation,
acceptability scores of different types of Dhaka which was 27.5 and 28.0%, respectively. While in
cheese. Within all the chemical parameters viz. % breeding, health care and marketing, their
moisture, % total solids, % protein, % fat and % participation was only 3.0%. It was observed, in
ash + salt contents, there was a significant case of milking, manure disposal, milk selling and
difference (P<0.05) except for the %acidity and pH
value where there was a significant difference (P<