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of production costs. Future targets could be and transport facilities, higher transport cost, poor
integration of pond prawn culture with other supply of ice, lack of cash and credit facilities. It is
agricultural activities especially dike cropping and therefore essential to provide institutional and
rice production in the monsoon. organizational support and credit facilities for
sustainable prawn production and marketing
513 AHMED, N.; SULTANA, M.; PODDER, systems.
M. & BULBUL, M. (Dept. of Fisheries
Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, 514 AIRIN, A.A.; KHATUN, N.M.; TAREQUE,
Mymensingh). Sustainable livelihood approach of A.M.H.B.; BISWAS, B. & ASHAN, M.N.
prawn production and marketing systems in (Fisheries & Marine Resource Technology
Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Bang. J. Fish. Res., Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna). Status and
2005, 9 (1), 89-90. Options for Alternative Livelihood of Female
Workers in the Shrimp Processing Industries
An investigation was carried out in Phulpur Through the Utilization of Shrimp Process Wastes
upazila, Mymensingh to examine the current in Khulna Region. South Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2
production practices of freshwater giant prawn, (1 & 2), 39 – 44.
Macrobrachium rosenbergii and its marketing
systems with sustainable livelihood approach. The The female labour force is increasing in the shrimp
livelihoods of a considerable number of rural poor processing industries in shrimp potential zone like
are associated with prawn production in Phulpur Khulna region. The study was conducted in three
upazila. Based on a sample of 50 farmers, about areas namely Rayermohal, Dumuria and Rupsha
94% farmers were found to culture prawn with fish under Khulna district. Data were collected through
in their ponds. Only 4% and 2% farmers were group discussion and interview using semi-
found to culture prawn-fish-dike crops and only structured questionnaire to know the status of
prawn respectively. Prawn marketing is almost female workers and identify options for the
exclusively a preserve of the private sector where utilization of shrimp processing wastes as
the livelihoods of a large number of people are alternative livelihood by female worker. The
associated with its distribution and marketing female workers of joint family (55%) were
systems. The market chain from producers to generally middle aged (31-45 years), married
consumers passes through a number of (93%), Muslim (98%) who can sign (88%) only.
intermediaries. About 40% of the produced prawns Major income of their family came from business
are exported and the rest 60% are sold to local or others rather than agriculture and service. The
markets. The price of prawn depends on quality, workers faced several obstacles among which
size and weight. The average farm-gate price of looking after family and child, husband's non-
prawn varied from Tk. 110 to 160/kg, whereas it's cooperation, social status, pollution and disease
market price varied from Tk. 150 to 350/kg. Most were noticeable. However, they had well social
of the farmers and traders have improved their interaction and whole workers were satisfied with
socio-economic conditions through prawn farming their jobs getting additional income that supported
and marketing activities. However, concerns arise specially their children's education expenses. They
about the long-term sustainability of prawn would get more money by utilizing shrimp wastes
farming and marketing systems due to lack of other than sale to others (45%). They were found
technical knowledge of prawn farming, poor road positive towards alternative livelihoods by