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The Purpose of this study was to identify the
The study was conducted with the broad objectives changes in economic productivity and income
to assess the existing situation of broodstock earning opportunity after introduction of shrimp
management and fish seed production in private cultivation and the impact of shrimp cultivation
fish seed farms in Bangladesh. The data were on poor farmers. The study was conducted on
collected from 100 private hatcheries and 40 poor farmers of two villages namely Baitpur and
nurseries in seven upazilas under four districts. Pingoria of Bagerhat district during June, 2000
There was no shed in forty hatcheries and the to October, 2007. Data were collected from
owners faced many problems. Brood fish ponds purposively selected 204 respondents (88 shrimp
were found suitable for rearing brood fish. About and 116 non shrimp farmers). For comparative
66% of the hatchery owners collected brood fish study farrmners were categorized into four-
from their own ponds and ponds of neighboring large farmer (20), medium farmer (49), small
areas. Activities like pond preparation; manuring farmer (38) and landless (97). Poor farmers are
and supplementary feeding were done properly but affected by shrimp cultivation from many ways.
stocking density of brood fish in 76% of the After inception of shrimp cultivation rich
hatcheries was 3,000-7,000 kg ha . Infection of farmers have improved their economic condition
argulosis was found in brood fish of 87% of the because they have sufficient money. Though
hatcheries. About 67% of the hatchery owners shrimp cultivation is profitable, it is not true at
practiced inter-species crossing. Major problems all for poor farmers that can be seen from this
faced by the hatchery owners were argulosis of study. In the survey area 96.91 % landless
brood fish, unavailability of pure brood stock, people faced the fuel problem. On the other
inadequate brood fish pond. The hatchery owners hand, only 5% large farmers have this problem.
were found interested to find out the preventive In the study area about 28.79% landless farmers
measures of argulosis, develop pure brood stock of have problem in rearing their livestock in open
indigenous carp and import pure strain of exotic field due to shrimp cultivation. About 69,61%
carp. According to the nursery operators, they respondents said that unemployment has
cultivated hybrid fry because of high demand, increased after introduction of shrimp
rapid growth and good taste. Problems of using cultivation. Moreover poor farmers faced the
hatchery spawn as mentioned by the nursery problem of vegetable collection and fresh water
operators were inbreeding, under sized and aged fish due to the intrusion of salinity after the
brood stock, stunted growth, physical deformities introduction of shrimp cultivation. Sustainable
and high mortality of spawn due to unknown community management should be followed that
causes. enhance resource base for future generation.
522 ARA, M.R. (Sociology Discipline, Khulna 523 AZAM, M.S. (SATU, Tangail).
University, Khulna). Impact of Shrimp Cultivation Monoculture of three native air breathing fishes in
on Economic condition of Poor Farmers in homestead ditches and plastic barrels. Bang. J.
Southern Region of Bangladesh: A comparative Fish. Res., 2005, 9 (1), 47-48.
Study. South Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2( 1 & 2), 21-
28. Six on-farm trials were conducted from 1 August
to 23 November 2004 in two different
environments such as homestead ditches (10 to 17