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utilization of shrimp wastes like shrimp chips to 1970s, a few people used to culture fish in the
(60%), sauce (5%), paste (10%) etc. However, they permanent ponds for their own consumption, the
asked for the assistance of technical knowledge species produced were rohu, catla, mrigal, ghainna,
and credit facilities. Most of the respondents (80%) long whiskered catfish, freshwater shark (boal),
found NGO as a suitable source for loan. snake head (shol) etc. Small fishes like climbing
perch, stinging catfish, walking catfish, barb,
515 AKTERUZZAMAN, M. (Dept. of Agricultural minnows etc. were available in the rice fields
Economics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, during monsoon season. In 1980s to mid 1990s,
Mymensingh). Shifting rice farming to fish culture some rice fields were converted into fish ponds and
in some selected areas of Mymensingh, the people started to produce fish for commercial
Bangladesh : the process, conflicts and impacts. purposes. When rice-fish farming became
Bang. J. Fish. Res., 2005, 9 (1), 97-99. profitable, a large number of people started
converting their rice fields in to rice-fish culture
The evolutionary process of converting low-lying ponds. Culture of some exotic fishes like silver
paddy fields into fish farms and its impact on carp, tilapia, grass carp, silver barb etc. also started
agrarian communities in some selected areas of in the paddy fields. Higher income from fish
Mymensingh district were studied. This study was farming contributed .positively in improving the
conducted through participatory rural appraisal housing, sanitation and education system in the
(PRA) covering 12 villages from each of selected study areas. It is seen that the medium and medium
upazillas viz. Fulpur and Haluaghat of high lands were only used for alternate rice fish
Mymensingh district. A total of 12 PRA sessions farming. The net income was high in any fish
were conducted where 90 farmers participated based cropping system that motivated the farmers
during 29 July to 26 August 2004. It is seen that to introduce fish based cropping system in the low-
the use of low-lying paddy fields was mostly lying inland areas. As a result, the regional as well
confined to Broadcast Aman (B. Aman) rice as communal income disparities occurred.
production until 1960s. With the introduction of However, the extraction of ground water became
modern rice farming technology, the farmers common during the dry period as the water was
started to produce Boro rice in Rabi season and B. used for both rice and fish farming. Mass
Aman rice in Kharif season. With the passage of conversion of paddy fields into rice-fish culture
time, aquaculture technologies have been evolved ponds caused water logging in the study areas. In
and the farmers realized that fish farming is more most cases, the participated farmers mentioned that
profitable than rice cultivation, and then they they could be easily benefited by producing fish
started to utilize their paddy fields for alternate with T. Aman or only fish during the monsoon
rice-fish farming and rice-cum-fish farming. Now season. They agreed that this was an impressive
a days, aquaculture based crop production system technology to them and they could generate
is in practice in more than 25% of the low-lying employment opportunities throughout the year.
paddy fields. Conversion of rice fields in to fish Finally, the social, economic and technical
ponds has brought up a change in the livelihood problems which are acting as constraints to rapid
patterns of the rural farmers. The areas where the expansion of fish production system were reported
farmers involved themselves in the new production from the interviewee.
systems were fingerling collection, transportation
and marketing of fry and fingerlings. During 1960s