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(Setipinna phasa), Boiragi  (Coilia dussumieri),     investigation on the rigor mortis progress of Rohu
             Bistra   (Scatopihagus  argus),  Tular   dandi       (Labeo rohita) and Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhoscs) of
             (Sillanopsis  panijus),  Tapashi   (Polynemus        different sizes (small, medium and  large)  was
             paradiseus), Chat baila (Platicephalus indicus) and   carried out at Fish Quality Control Lab of Khulna
             Kankon  (Pelamys chiliensis) ranged from  3.1  to    University  in  December,  2006. A total of 30
             8.2 × 10  cfu/g while the remaining samples Parshe   individuals, 15 of Rohu and 15 of Mrigal  were
             (Mugil cephalus). Gang tengra  (Arius caelatus),     taken for the study. The  continuous  rigor  mortis
             and Ilish  (Hilsa ilisha) showed a SPC of 1.08 to    progress was assessed by the rigor index value and
             3.1  × 10 cfu/g. Total coliform count  for  nine     duration of onset and resolution of rigor mortis was
             species were in the range of 7 to 43 MPN/g. Only,    also observed. In case of all sizes of Rohu, rigor
             Bistra had 210 MPN/g. Faecal coliform count for      started within 1 hour after  death.  The  small  size
             Boiragi, Bistra. Hish. Chat baila and Kankon were    Rohu attained full rigor after 4  hour of death
             21, 93, 20, 11 and  15  respectively  and  Parshe,   whereas medium and large size attained full rigor
             Tular  dandi and Gang tengra showed faecal           after 5  and 6  hour after death  respectively.
             coliform  load of 9 MPN/g while, Phasa and           Duration  of full rigor was 5, 6 and 7 hour for
             Tapashi showed faecal coliform of 4  and  <  3       small, medium and large  size  accordingly.
             MPN/g  respectively. The organoleptic properties     Maximum rigor index was attained  as  84.2%,
             of ten dried fish samples were of better  quality    85.8% and 86% by small, medium and large size
             except for Churi  (Trichuirus haumela) and           respectively.  Small  size Rohu relaxed completely
             Saplapata  (Himantura walga). Amongst the ten        after 17  hour while medium and large  relaxed
             dried fish, three (Loytta, Gang Tengra and Phasa)    completely after 18   hour.  In case of all sizes of
             showed standard plate count  (SPC)  of  4.23-7.8  ×   Mrigal, rigor started within I hour after death. Both
             10  cfu/gm, five contained 3.2-6.07 × 10  cfu/gm,    the small and medium sized Mrigal attained full
             while the remaining two samples (Shaplapata and      rigor after 4  hour after death whereas large size
             Churi) had SPC' of 2.26  × 10  and 2.77  × 10        attained full rigor  after  5  hour after death.
             cfu/gm, respectively. Total coliform count for six   Duration  of  full  rigor was 5 hour for both small
             samples were <3/gm. The count for remaining four     and  medium  sizes and 6 hour for large ones.
             samples were 4/gm. Faecal coliform  count  of  all   Maximum rigor index was attained  as  84.4%,
             samples were <3/gm.  No  Vibrio chlorae and          84.6% and 85.2% by small, medium  and  large
             Salmonella were detected in any sample.              sizes respectively. Small sized  Mrigal  relaxed
                                                                  completely after 16  hour while medium and large
             520  ALI, M.Y.; MOYADUZZAMAN,  M.F.;                                             th        th
             RAHI, M.L. & ISLAM, M.B.  (Fisheries &               relaxed completely after  17  and 18  hour
             Marine  Resource Technology Discipline, Khulna       respectively. For all sizes, Mrigal developed  and
             University, Khulna). Variation in Rigor Progress of   passed through rigor faster than  Rohu.  Both  in
             Rohu  (Labeo rohita) and Mrigal  (Cirrhinus          Rohu and Mrigal small size fish  went  into  and
                                                                  passed through rigor more quickly than medium
             cirrhosus) in Relation to Size.  South Asian J.
             Agric., 2007, 2( 1 & 2), 33-38.                      and large ones.

             Information on the rigor mortis progress of Indian   521   AMIN, M.N. (Rural Development  Academy,
             major carps in relation to storage conditions  is    Bogra). Status of  fish  broodstock management and
             available in Bangladesh but few works have been      seed production in Bangladesh. Bang. J. Fish. Res.,
             done on the effect of size in rigor  mortis.  An     2005, 9 (1), 15-16.

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