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9.00 mg/kg, D 4-12.00 mg/kg and D 5-15.00 mg/kg)     mg/kg body weight and at that doses the
             were affected equally (100%) in egg release. In the   fertilization rate was 80.00±2.14%  hatching
             experiment both the males and females were given     71.80±2.00% and survivability 68.50±2.60%  in
             the 1 st dose but the 2nd injection was given only   different months.
             to  the  females after 6 hours. The highest
             fertilization rates were 70.10±2.25% in April (dose   527 CHAKRABORTY, B.K.  (Directorate of
             D 4, 75.00±2.10% in May (dose D 3), 80.00±2.14%      Fisheries, Mymensingh);  MIAH, M. I.; HABIB,
             in  June  and 79.20±2.65% in July (dose D 3). The    M.A.B. & MIRZA, M.J.A. (Dept. of Fisheries,
             highest hatching and survivability rates  were       Bangladesh  Agricultural University, Mymensingh).
             61.50±3.10 and 55.00±2.13 in April (dose D 4),       Embryonic  and  Larval Development of Indigenous
             68.00±3.5 and 63.00±2.20 in May  (dose  D 3),        Sarpunti, Puntius Sarana (Hamilton). Bang. J. Zool.,
             71.80±2.00 and 68.50±2.60 in June (dose D 2), and    2007, 35(1), 141-151.
             70.25±3.50 and 65.70±2.16 in July (dose D 3)
             respectively. The month of June and the dose D 2 (2   The  early development stages of an endangered
             mg in first injection and 4 mg in second injection)   minor carp. Puntius sarana, were described. The
             were  found to be most effective for induced         first cleavage was recorded within 35 minutes
             spawning of P. gonionotus.                           after  fertilization and the embryonic rudiments
                                                                  of  developing  eggs appeared at 9 hrs and 40
             526  BHUIYAN, A.S.; MUSA,  A.S.M.  &                 minutes at 27.0 - 27.5°C. The yolk sac was
             ISLAM, M.K.  (Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi             completely  absorbed at 66 hrs of the
             University, Rajshahi). Some observations on the      development  on an attainment of 6.0 mm total
             induced spawning of  Labeo rohita (Hamilton,         length.
             1822) by pituitary hormone injection. Bang. J. Life
             Sci., 2008, 20(1), 89-94.                            528 CHAKRABORTY,  B.K.  (Govt. of the
                                                                  People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Directorate of
             The study was to determine  pituitary  hormone       Fisheries) & MIRJA, J.A.  (Graduate Training
             injection doses for optimum breeding performance     Institute,  Bangladesh Agricultural University,
             of  Labeo rohita. The experiment was  conducted      Mymensingh).  Induction of spawning, nursing
             with five treatments, two  replications  i.e.,  each   and rearing of  endangered  bata,  Labeo bata
             dose was applied to two individual fishes.  The      (Hamilton-Buchanan) in  Bangladesh.  Bang. J.
             experimental trials were repeated in different       Life Sci., 2007, 19(1), 77-87.
             months of the breeding season. The  female  and
             male ratio was maintained 1:2. Forty females and     Induced breeding of the endangered species, Labeo
             eighty males of  maintained  L. rohita (weighing,    bata has been carried out from May to July, 2000.
             3.12-4.36 kg) were induced to breed with a series    Two hormonal sources were tested  to  evaluate
             of PG doses. These were, 1  dose of 1.00 to 5.00     their  efficacy  on ovulation, fertility and hatching
             mg/kg and 2  dose of 2.00 to 10.00 mg/kg body        rate of  bata,  L. bata under controlled conditions.
             weight.  The  performance of each treatment dose     Single  dose of Ovaprim (0.50 -0.55 ml/kg body
             was evaluated in terms of  ovulation  response,      weight) and double doses of PG (an initial dose of
             fertilization and hatching rates of eggs.  The       2.0  mg/kg  body  weight and final dose of 4.0-5.5
             optimum responses in different months were           mg//kg body weight) showed better result in case
             achieved with the doses from 6.00 mg/kg to 12.00     of female. Ovaprim also showed better results of

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