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by weight after fortnightly sampling of fish. fertilize eggs, no effect was observed on the
Feeding rate were 10 and 8% of the total body embryonic development in the egg shells. The
weight respectively for l , 2 month and 5% for female silver barb was induced to breed in Linpe's
the rest of the experimental period. The range of method.
some selected water quality parameters were as
follows: dissolved oxygen 4.0 - 7.4 mg/1, 538 HAQUE, W.; SHARMIN, S. & SUFI,
temperature 24.0° - 33.9 °C, pH 6.8 - 8.00, and G.B. (Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka University,
transparency 17.0 -32.00 cm. Which showed Dhaka). Feasibility Study of Fish Culture in Pen in
suitability of the ponds for rearing fish. At the end a Flood Plain Area in Dhaka. Bang. J. Zool., 2006,
of the experiment, significantly highest gain 34 (2), 247-256.
(p<0.05) in weight (1210.96%±87) and lowest gain
in weight (865.25% ±90) were observed in the Seven month study was conducted from May to
group of fish fed on diets F 3 and F 1 respectively. November 1999 on the growth and production of
However, no significant differences in growth major carps in a flood plain pen culture in Dhaka.
(p>0.05) was observed in fish fed on commercial The pen covering an area of about 10 hectres.
diet (F 2) and BFRI formulated diet (F 3). The FCR Locally available pen materials like knotless
value ranged between 2.00 and 2.80 with the polythene net and bamboo splits were used for the
traditional diet (F 1) showing significantly lower pen preparation. Large sized fingerlings of 12.14
FCR. The total production of fish ranged between cm were used for culture. Five species combination
1398.08 and 2145.34 kg/ha with F 3 diet resulting in with silver carp (Hypophthalmicthus molitrix),
the highest production and net profit. A simple catla (Catla catla), rohu (Labea rohita), common
economic analysis showed that fish fed with BFRI carp (Cyprinus carpio) and grass carp
formulated (F 3) diet resulted in the highest net (Ctenopharyngodon idella) with the ratio of
profit in farmer's pond. 31:12:12:12:31 with the stocking density of 16000
per hectre was used. The total production of the
537 HAQUE, M.Z. (Bangladesh Fisheries investigated pen was 2742 kg/ha/crop with 37%
Research Institute, Mymensingh). Retaining of recovery rate. Economic analysis shows the net
Silver Barb, Barbodes Gonionotus Sperm Ability profit of Tk. 86320/ha which suggests that pen fish
to Fertilizing Eggs for About One Hour in culture in flood plain area has a great potential for
Extenders. Bang. J. Zool., 2006, 34 (1), 69-78. increasing fish production in Bangladesh.
The most conclusive test of sperm quality the 539 HASAN, M. (Dept. of Fisheries, Dhaka
fertilization test of silver barb. Borbodes University, Dhaka). Conditioning Improves
gonionotus, sperm was done. The males were Performance of Survival and Reduce Stress
stripped before the ovulation of female to make the Responses in Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys
fish breeding protocol easier. Modified Ringer's Molitrix Fingerling. Bang. J. Zool., 2008, 36 (1),
solution and modified Hank's balanced salt 59-67.
solution were used as extenders to dilute milt. The
diluted milt kept for one hour at room temperature Two experiments each with three loading densities
(25°C) with 100 % viability and motility. The ratio 62.5 (low). 125.0 (medium) and 187.5 (high
of milt to extenders was 1 : 9. The significant density) g/1 of conditioned and unconditioned
effects of the extenders were observed in ability to silver carp. hypophthalmichthys molitrix,