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fingerlings were  conducted for a one-hour truck     at 6 h. Plasma chloride level continued to decline
             transport simulation. Three replicates were used in   after confinement. The prolonged  confinement
             each  experiment. The unconditioned fingerlings      resulted in the lowest level of chloride observed 6
             had 5-folds higher mortality (32.30 ± 2.96%) than    h after treatment. The results suggest that although
             the conditioned ones (6.41 ± 0.88%). Although the    pre-confinement handling was more stressful than
             levels of plasma cortisol between two groups of      confinement, mortality resulting from confinement
             fingerlings were similar, the level of  chloride     density and duration could  be very low in  silver
             (21.44 ± 1.83 meq/1) in unconditioned fingerlings    carp fingerlings.
             was  3-folds lower than in the conditioned ones
             (62.56 ± 0.93 meq/1). Transported (both              541  HASAN, M. & BART, A.N. (Asian
             conditioned and unconditioned) fingerlings had       Institute  of  Technology, School of Environment
             significantly lower chloride levels than the levels   Resources   and    Development,    Thailand).
             before loading.                                      Livelihood and seed mortality related vulnerability
                                                                  of carp seed traders of Bangladesh. Bang. J. Fish.
             540 HASAN,  M.  (Aquaculture and  Aquatic            Res., 2005, 9(1), 87-88.
             Resources Management, School of Environmental
             Resources and Development, Asian Institute of        Carp seed traders in Bangladesh are considered as
             Technology, Thailand). Effects  of  Confinement      one of the poorest, most  vulnerable  and  least
             Density  and Duration on the Mortality and           studied sub-population. Millions of fingerlings are
             Physiological  Responses    in   Silver  Carp        transported annually to various parts of the country
             Hypophthalmichthys Molitrix  Val. Fingerlings.       using bus tops and/or truck-beds in open and hand
             Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35(1), 87-94.                  agitated method by the traders and as a result they
                                                                  encounter mass seed mortality. They are the  key
             This study evaluated the levels of plasma cortisol   players  in augmenting aquaculture activities by
             and chloride as physiological stress responses and   distributing fish fry and fingerlings to the  fish
             mortality  resulting from the confinement density    farmers.  Assessment of the seed sources and the
             and  duration  of silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys    livelihood of the traders are important to identify
             molitrix, fingerlings simulated in situ.  The        their  point  of  entry to the aquaculture sector and
             fingerlings were transported for one hour on the     further improvement. Status of  household  asset,
             day before the completion  of  this  experiment.     income profiles, and risks involved were examined
             Although the level of mortality was little, it was,   using  DFID's sustainable livelihood approach
             however, relatively high in the first hours  of      (SLA) framework. Tools used to collect data
             confinement and low in the later hours.  Initial     included group discussions  (GD),  semi-structured
             disturbances resulting from netting and  capturing   and  structured household (HH) survey. Samples
             were  found to cause the maximum elevation of        (n=637)  were  randomly drawn purposefully from
             cortisol.  The level of cortisol in Density 1 (9     10%  of  the carp seed traders within 11 districts.
             kg/m )  was  significantly lower than the levels     Sampled HH were classified into six land classes.
             observed in Density 2  (18  kg/m ) and Density 3
             (27 kg/m ) although the levels in the letter's were   542 HASEN,  M.A.  (Fish  Inspection & Quality
             similar to the level  found  in  pre-confined        Control (FIQC), Khulna); RABBANI, A.G.;
             fingerlings. However, after confinement, the levels   MOSTAFA, M.; RAHMAN, S.M.  (Fisheries &
             of cortisol declined and resumed to increase further   Marine  Resource Technology Discipline, Khulna

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