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Cyclops. Diaptomus, Eucyclops,  Mesocyclops,         nursery ponds. A positive heterosis of 55.76% was
             Moina, Daphniasoma,  Asplanchna, Brachionus,         obtained in the hybrid. The growth rates of  the
             Fillinia, Keratella and Nothalca.                    reciprocal  hybrids were separately observed and
                                                                  the  Jamuna  male  x Hatchery female hybrid was
             549  ISLAM, M.A.; BEGUM,  M.;  ALAM,                 found  better.  The rates of fertilization, hatching
             M.J.; PAL, H. K. & SHAH, M.M.R. (Bangladesh          and  deformity of the developing embryos were
             Fisheries Research Institute, Khulna). Growth and    calculated for the two strains and for the reciprocal
             Survival of Estuarine Catfish (Mystus Gulio Ham.)    hybrids. The hatchery strain had lower rates  of
             Larvae Fed on Live and Prepared Feeds. Bang. J.      fertilization and hatching, but higher rate  of
             Zool., 2007, 35(2), 325-330.                         deformity than the Jamuna strain. In the  hybrids,
                                                                  however, the rates were  above  intermediate  level
             An  experiment  was conducted for a period of 21     between the two in all the three cases.  The
             days to study the effect of live feed (Artemia sp.)   implications of the results have been discussed.
             and two prepared feeds on the growth and survival
             of seven days old estuarine catfish  (Mystus gulio   551 ISLAM,  M.S.  (Dept. of  Agricultural
             Ham.) larvae. The larvae fed  with  live  feed       Economics,  Bangladesh Agricultural University,
             (Artemia sp.) showed significantly (P<0.05) higher   Mymensingh). Fish seed production and marketing
             growth (length gain 14.39 mm  and  weight  gain      in  some selected areas of Bangladesh.  Bang. J.
             78.66 mg), survival rate  (67.33%)  and  specific    Fish. Res., 2005, 9(1), 95-96.
             growth rate (19.56%/day) compared to  those  fed
             with artificial feed II (30% egg+ 30% milk powder    The main objective of the study was to assess the
             +30% yeast) and feed III (45% yeast +  45%           production and marketing system of fish seed and
             fishmeal). Wheat flour (8%), vitamin premix (1%)     examining  the demand for and supply of fry and
             and fish oil (1%) were common for feed II and III.   fingerlings  in  some   selected  areas   viz.
             There  was no significant difference (P>0.05) in     Mymensingh,    Netrokona   and    Tangail  in
             growth,  survival rate and specific growth rate      Bangladesh. The present study selected the related
             (SGR) of the larvae fed with feed II and feed III.   stakeholders like 20 Fish  Seed  Multiplication
                                                                  Farms  (FSMF) owners, 80 nursery operators, 20
             550  ISLAM, M.R. &  SHAH,  M.S.  (Fisheries          fry traders and 90 fish farmers who are  the
             and Marine Resource Technology Discipline,           beneficiaries and directly involved with the  fish
             Khulna University, Khulna). Positive Heterosis in    seed production and supply  chain,  and  marketing
             F 1 Hybrid of Rohu (Labeo Rohita) Strains From       system of fish seed. In case of nursing and rearing
             Jamuna River and a Local Hatchery From Jessore,      fingerlings, only those stakeholders (nurserers and
             Bangladesh. Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35(1), 131-139.    fish farmers) attached with NGOs were selected
             At the backdrop of reports on the decline of growth   and the NGOs were GRAMUS, SARA and ORD
             and reproduction of the  hatchery population  of     from Mymensingh and SATU from  Tangail
             rohu, Labeo rohita, an experiment was undertaken     district. Data were collected for the period 2004 -
             to see if there is heterotic effect in inter-strain   2005 and most analyses were done by using tables
             crossing  between  Jamuna river and hatchery-        and  flow  chart to determine production and
             produced strain of rohu. Two reciprocal crosses      marketing system of fish seed.
             were made and the spawn produced were tested for
             growth with the parental strains for seven weeks in

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