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overcome this problem, late season (August- beneficiaries under SARA, ORD and GRAMAUS,
September) prawn juveniles (0.9-6.8 g) were respectively who adopted the aquaculture
stocked at a density of 1.43 to 3.57/m in 350-476 technologies under DSAP. About 25% farmers
m ponds in Pabna and Mymensingh districts from each of the three NGOs were selected for the
during October 2000 and cultured till May 2001. study. The total sample size was 212. Pre-designed
Monthly average water temperature during the and pre-tested interview schedules were used for
winter months (December-February) varied from collecting data from the farmers. Field data were
16 to 22 °C and gradually increased to 32 °C in collected from the farmers during August
May. The prawn fry showed fast growth rate and September, 2004. Pearson product 'moment
attained an average weight of 60-70 g within eight correlation co-efficient were computed in order to
months including three winter months. Growth explore the relationships of the selected
compensation was observed during summer characteristics of the farmers as well as selected
months. Survival rate was 60-79%. After attributes of technology with the adoption of
extrapolation of the present growth rate more than aquaculture technologies by the farmers. The same
1,600 kg/ha production can be achieved in better- statistical test was used to determine the
managed ponds. Extrapolated cost of production relationships between the selected characteristics
was Tk. 268,000 and 200,000 Tk./ha in two best of the farmers and their constraints in adopting the
ponds, sale value was Tk. 644,9146 and 528,466 aquaculture technologies.
and gross profit was Tk. 376,000-410,000,
suggesting a higher economic feasibility of 561 KHALIL, M.I. (Dept. of Biochemistry and
farming freshwater prawn with over-wintered Molecular Biology, Jahangirnagar University,
juveniles. Savar, Dhaka); MOTTALIB, M.A. (Biochemistry
Laboratory, BIRDEM, Dhaka); ABSAR, N. &
560 KASHEM, M.A. (Dept. of Agricultural SHAHJAHAN, M. (Dept. of Biochemistry and
Extension Foundation, Bangladesh Agricultural Molecular Biology, Rajshahi University,
University, Mymensingh). Factors affecting the Rajshahi). Effect of long term administration of
adoption of aquaculture technologies by the honey in the blood glucose and lipid profile level
farmers. Bang. J. Fish. Res., 2005, 9(1), 77-79. of non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. Bang. J.
Life. Sci., 2007, 19(2), 47-53.
Purpose of the study was to ascertain the extent of
adoption of aquaculture technologies by the Effect of long term administration of honey in
farmers as well as constraints faced by them in diabetic patients was investigated on 15 non-
adopting the aquaculture technologies. The study insulin dependent hyper-cholesterolemic diabetes
also explored its relationships with the selected mellitus patients, The patients were taken honey in
characteristics of the farmers. In addition, an a dose of 26 g/day (one tea spoon) orally for 180
attempt was also made to determine some selected days (6 months) and produce no significant change
attributes of the technologies and their of blood glucose level as compared to control
relationships with the adoption by the farmers. The (p>0.05). Whereas, the total cholesterol, LDL-
study was conducted with the farmers of 10 cholesterol, VLDL -cholesterol and triglyceride
upazilas of greater Mymensingh district who were levels were significantly reduced as compared to
the beneficiaries of three NGOs viz. SARA, ORD, control (p<0.05, p<0.05 and p<0.05). The
and GRAMAUS. There were 351, 241 and 249