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average number of alleles was the highest in the identified of which 13 species were protozoans, 34
population SC-SMK (5.00) and lowest in MC- rotifers, eight copepods, three cladocerans, and one
SMK (4.00). Total number ol null allele was more species belonged to ostracods. Rotifers were the
in mirror carp populations (6) than scaled carp dominant group with a monthly average of
populations (4). The average observed 16556.58 indiv./l (89.47%) followed by copepods
heterozygosity (H 0) ranged from 0.54 to 0.67. The with 119.33 indiv./l (6.45%), protozoans with
average observed heterozygosity (Ho) was lower 71.92 Indiv./l (3.88%), Cladocerans with 3.42
than the average expected heterozygosity (He) in indiv./l (0.18%) and ostracods with 0.33 indiv./l
case of all the populations. The population *** SC- (0.02%), respectively. Zooplankton showed two
BCH had high level of genetic variation in distinct high peaks, one in February'07 and another
comparison to other five populations because this one in June' 07. Annual zooplankton abundance
population had negative 1-Ho/H e values in case of ranged from 393 to 4460 indiv/1.
two loci out of three analyzed. The rest live
populations had negative 1-H 0/H e values only in 556 KAMAL, D.; SIDDIQA, A. &
one locus. In 6 of a total of 18 tests, significant FERDOUS, K.S. (Fisheries and Marine Resource
deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations Technology Discipline, Khulna University,
(HWE) were detected. Pairwise Fst values were Khulna). Effect of Different Hormone Treatments
used to detect the genetic distance between the on the Breeding Success of the Exotic Black Carp,
pairs of populations. The Fst value was highest Mylopharyngodon Piceus. Bang. J. Zool., 2006,
(0.153) between the population MC-AFF and MC- 34(2), 257-268.
SMK. Nei's genetic distance value was also highest
(0.462) between these populations. The Fst value The effect of three hormones (viz. PG, Ovaprim,
of 0.153 represents a high level of population and LHRH.A 2) on the captive breeding of the
differentiation. The lowest Fst value (0.001) was exotic black carp, Mylopharyngodon piceus, was
found between SC-SMK and MC-SMK. This value assessed at Arabpur Fish and Prawn Farm in
was statistically insignificant. Jessore district of Bangladesh during June-July
*SC-SMK- scaled carp from Sagor Matsho 2000. Nine individual mature females ranging
Khamar from 4 kg to 11 kg in body weight were used in
**MC - SMK- mirror carp from Sagor Matsho three treatments (T 1, T 2, T 3) each with three
Khamar replications. Two injections of PG, in treatment-1
***SC-BCH- scaled carp from Brahmaputra Char (T 1) were administered to three individual females
Fishery in two separate doses. The first and last dose were
given at the rate of 3 and 7 mg/kg body weight,
555 KABIR, A.K.M.N. & NASER, M.N. respectively. In treatment-2 (T 2) a single dose of
(Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). Ovaprim was given at the rate of 0.5 ml/kg body
Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Zooplankton weight. In treatment-3 (T 3) LHRH.A 2 and PG were
in Chandbill Baor of Meherpur District, used in combinations. The first dose was given
Bangladesh. Bang. J. Zool., 2008, 36(1), 69-75. with LHRH.A 2 only the rate of 1 µg/kg body
weight. The second dose was given with a mixture
Seasonal changes in species composition and of LHRH.A 2 and PG at the rate of 4.5 µg and 3
abundance of zooplankton in Chandlbill baor of mg/kg body weight, respectively. Two complete
Meherpur were studied. A total of 59 taxa was and one partial breeding in T 1 three partial