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546   HOSSAIN,     M.I.;   RAHMAN,       M.H.        22 landing centres were  investigated.  Interviews
             (Fisheries Research Laboratory, Dept. of Zoology,    were  taken from 198 people and it was found
             Rajshahi University,  Rajshahi); NEELA, F.A.         that  in  the Meghna river 46.16% small
             (Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Dept. of  Botany,    motorized, 34.29% large motorized and only
             Rajshahi University,  Rajshahi); HUSSAIN, M.A.       1.55%  non-motorized boats were engaged in
             (Dept. of Fisheries, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi)   hilsa fishing which were operated by 80.55%
             & SUZUKI,  S.  (CMES, Ehime University,              chandi, 18.08% khosha and 1.37%  dingi  boat.
             Matsuyama,  Japan). Distribution of  Pseudomonas     Types of crafts, gears and their operating system
             Aeruginosa in Swamps and  it's  Infection  to        in different season of the study area, major
             Oreochromis Niloticus.  J. Bio-Sci., 2006,  14, 77-  characteristics  of the fishing gears and daily
             81.                                                  unload in the landing centres were recorded. The
                                                                  total capture of hilsa fishery  in  Meghna  river
             The bacterial load,  Pseudomonas aeruginosa and      were compared with some other major rivers and
             their  artificial infection to  Oreochromis niloticus   also with the total capture of the country. The
             were studied in water of  four  swamps  in  the      river  contributed  about 58.26% of total hilsa
             Rajshahi University campus during November,          catch of the country. The Meghna  river  was
             2001 to October, 2002. The load of P. aeruginosa     identified as important river from where the
             was found to vary from 6.80 × 10  to 5.08 × 10       maximum  catch  of  the total inland hilsa fishery
             ml . In artificial infection to  Oreochromis         comes. Unfortunately the lion portion of hilsa
             niloticus, the mortality rates was recorded at 90,   capture comes from jatka (young hilsa).  In  the
             50, 30, 20 and 0% at 1.92 × 10 , 1.92 × 10 , 1.92 ×   conclusion, the study proposed some suggestions
             10 1.92  × 10  and 1.92  × 10  CFU fish ml ,         to conserve and develop hilsa fishery in the
             respectively. The average  bacterial load in the     Meghna river adjacent to Bhola district.
             swamps (1.92 × l0 CFU ml ) was slightly higher
             than that prevailed in the control pond (1.90 × 10 6   548 ISLAM, A.B.M.W. (Dept. of Botany, Govt.
             CFU ml ). Swamps can be utilized at the present      B.L.  College, Daulatpur, Khulna); MANIRA,
             bacterial load for the fish culture.                 M.S.  (Refrigeration & Airconditioning,  Satkhira
                                                                  Polytechnique Institute, Sathkira); RAHMAN,
             547  HUQ, K.A.; FERDOUS,  K.S.;  BASAK,              M.M. (Environmental Science Discipline, Khulna
             B.K. & ALI, M.Y.  (Fisheries and Marine              University, Khulna) & ZAMAN, M.  (Dept. of
                                                                  Botany,    Rajshahi   University,   Rajshahi).
             Resource    Technology    Discipline,  Khulna
             University, Khulna). Status of hilsa fishery in the   Zooplankton of Two Shrimp Ghers  at  Khulna,
             Meghna  river adjacent to Bhola district.  Bang. J.   Bangladesh. South Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2(1 & 2),
             Life Sci., 2006, 18(2), 97-105.                      117-122.
             Status of hilsa fishery in the  Meghna  river        Zooplankton of two Ghers has  been  studied
                                                                  monthly round the year. The 16 genera of
             adjacent to Bhola district of Bangladesh was
             investigated  during  July  2002 to June 2003. A     zooplunkton was recorded in Gher-l were
             total of 66 boat owners,  66  crews/head             represented by  Cyclops, Diaptomus, Eucyclops,
             fishermen, 66 labour fishermen  and  37  arotdars,   Mesocyclops, Moina, Asplanchna, Brachionus,
             few NGO workers, Government officials  and           Fillinia, Keratella, Lecane, Lepadelia, Monostyla
             local leaders were selected randomly  for  field     Nothalca, P'latyias, Polyarthra, and Tricocerca. In
                                                                  Gher-2 identified 11 genera ol zooplankton were
             survey  and data collection. Moreover, a total of

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