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lamellar hypertrophy and hyperplasia hemorrhage,     total  revolving credit under the scheme was Tk.
             lamellar fusion, necrosis of lamellar  epithelial    1,000 million with the assistance from the World
             cells, presence of parasites and their cysts were the   Bank. The business houses having fixed assets of
             major pathology of gills. Hemorrhagic  lesion,       value not more than Tk. 10 million will be eligible
             pyknotic  nuclei and melanomacrophage centers        to borrow from this fund. About Tk.  0.2-5.0
             (MMC)  were found in the liver of fish. Major        million can be borrowed as term loan and working
             pathologies in kidney of fish included presence of   capital from Bangladesh Bank through commercial
             MMC,  necrotic  and ruptured kidney tubules,         banks.  The loan was given to the commercial
             severe haemopoietic necrosis, and hemorrhage.        banks at 5% interest (bank rate)  and  the
             The economic loss due to disease in Thai pangas      commercial banks shall also bridge finance to the
             farming was estimated from the difference between    entrepreneurs at a lower rate of interest. Working
             expected production and actual production. On an     capital time limit is for a maximum of 1 year with
             average,  Thai  pangas farmers of Mymensingh         half yearly rest, mid-term loan  maximum  of  3
             incur a loss of Tk. 23,104/ha/cycle due to  fish     years in 5 installments and with 6 months grace
             disease (3.6% of expected total production).  The    period and long-term loan maximum of 5 years in
             loss,  however,  varied with location and size of    9 installments with 6 months grace period.
             farms, type of farmers and management practices.
             The study also highlighted fish health management    536  HAQUE, M.K.I. & MAZID, M.A. (Fresh
             related problems and recommended further work        water Station, Bangladesh  Fisheries  Research
             for the development of  user-friendly  farmer-       Institute, Mymensingh). Effect of low cost feed on
             oriented fish health management package.             the production of  walking  catfish,  Clarias
                                                                  batrachus  in farmer's ponds.  Bang. J. Fish. Res.,
             535 FARUQUE,  F.I. (The University of Asia           2005, 9(1), 37-39.
             Pacific, Dhaka). Poor fish farmers' accessibility to
             credits : A review. Bang. J. Fish. Res., 2005, 9(1),   A feeding trial was conducted for six months  in
             109-110.                                             farmer's ponds to assess the performance of BFRI
                                                                  formulated catfish feed on the growth and survival
             Fisheries sector contributes about 5.3%  to  GDP     of Clarias batrachus (L.). Nine interested farmers
             and about 6% of the  export  earnings  of            and  their  ponds (size range: 10-15 dec) in the
             Bangladesh.  There are about 4.1 million ha of       Barera union of Mymensingh Sadar were selected.
             inland water bodies in Bangladesh. However, over     The ponds were divided into  3  treatments  each
             last  two  decades the catch from inland capture     with  3  replications. Among the three treatment
             fishery has decreased due to  filling  of  wet  lands   diets,  two diets- traditional (F 1) and BFRI
             and other anthropogenic reasons. Accordingly, the    formulated (F 3) were prepared by using low  cost
             production  of  inland fish has decreased not only   agro-based  locally available ingredients and the
             for the decrease of water bodies but also due  to    commercial diets was Saudi-Bangla Grower-1 (F 2).
             irrational catch of fish fries, brood fishes and use   The diets were  designed  as  F 1 F 2 and F 3 for
             of current nets for fishing.  Significant  responses   traditional  (20.40% protein), Commercial (31%
             from the fisheries entrepreneurs  have  not  been    protein)  and BFRI formulated (30.44% protein)
             received  for  the small loan scheme of the          diets respectively. The fingerlings of catfish (7.3 g)
             Bangladesh  Bank.  The bank could not disburse       were collected from local fish vendors and stocked
             more than Tk. 500 million under the scheme. The      at the rate of 100/dec. Feeding rates were adjusted

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