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the estimation of weight, the regression coefficient   Plotosus  canius,  Setipinna  taty,  Johnius
             turn into 2.5756 for male and 3.1007 for female M.   argentatus, Lepturacanthus savala,  Euthynnus
             vittatus.  Again  in combined sexes, regression co-  affinis and  Odontambyoopus rubicundus were
             efficient for total length and standard length were   recorded  few.    Among     the   shellfishes,
             3.5127 and 3.5584 respectively. For estimation of    Macrobrachium     rosenbergii  and    Penaeus
             weight by length (total length or standard length)   monodon  were  most abundant. The survey
             differences were not found significant in male and   revealed that 24 species had  few  status  while  six
             female fishes. Co-efficient of variation and  range   species had very few status. Out of 98 species of
             of relative condition factor were used to justify the   fishes, 29 species were abundant in  winter,  23
             hypothesis   H:β    =3.   Computer    package        species were abundant in summer and the rest were
             MICROSTAT and SPSS 10.0 were  used  in  the          available throughout the year.
             analysis. Total length may be recommended as the
             safe  regressor  for the estimation of weight of the   532 CHOWDHURY, M.M. (Dept. of Fisheries,
             fish.                                                Dhaka University, Dhaka)  & IQUBAL, K.F.
                                                                  (Dept. of Environmental Science, State University
             531 CHOWDHURY, M.M. (Dept. of Fisheries,             of   Bangladesh,  Dhaka).   Survey   on   the
             Dhaka University, Dhaka)  & IQUBAL, K.F.             Occupational  Status of the Women Workers in
             (Dept. of Environmental Science, State University    Shrimp    Processing  Plants   in   Southwest
             of Bangladesh, Dhaka).  A Survey on the              Bangladesh. Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35(2), 301-310.
             Availability of Fish Species in the Fish  Landing
             Centres of Dhaka City  in  Bangladesh.  Bang. J.     A survey was conducted to assess the occupational
             Zool., 2007, 35(2), 259-267.                         status of 150 women workers  from  randomly
                                                                  selected  25  shrimp processing plants in Khulna,
             A preliminary survey was conducted from January      Satkhira and Bagerhat regions from  January  to
             to December 2006 in five major fish  landing         December  2006. Among the women workers, the
             centers of Dhaka city. A total  of  98  species  of   age group of 21-30 years was  the  highest
             fishes was recorded of which 87 were finfishes and   (54.66%),  married  with children group was the
             11  were  shellfishes. Out of 87 finfishes, 52 were   highest (63.33%) and a group consisting of more
             freshwater fish species, 14 were exotic species, 21   than six family members was the highest (41.33%).
             were marine fish species, nine were prawn &          Most of the women  workers  were  illiterate
             shrimp, one was crab and one was pond tortoise.      (61.33%). Women workers with less  experience
             Among the freshwater fish species, Labeo rohita,     (1-5 years) got monthly salary of BD Tk.  1000-
             Cirrhinus  cirrhosus, Anabas testudineus, Channa     1200 while most experienced group (10-20 years)
             punctatus were most abundant while  Channa           received monthly salary of BD Tk 1500-1800 only.
             marulius, Pangasius pangasius, Punitus sarana, P.    Only 6.66% of women workers worked eight hours
             ticto, Rohtee cotio, Chitala chitala were found few.   daily while 46% of them had to work for more than
             Among  the exotic fish species  Cyprinus carpio,     17 hours. Dresses, gloves and boots were provided
             Barbonymus         gonionotus,      Pangasius        to 100% women workers while  transportation,
             hypophthalmus, Oreochromis niloticus, GIFT           financial security, maternity leave and trade union
             (Genetically   Improved    Farmed     Tilapia),      rights  were not provided to them. Among the
             Pygocentrus natteri and  Piaractus brachypomus       diseases which arose from the working conditions,
             were  most  abundant. Among the marine fishes        dermatitis and nail problems (76%) and repetitive

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