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the rate of 1.0-1.2% gave good texture and flavor    total costs for pangas monoculture and 67.44% for
             to the sausage. A good-appeared  sausage-pink        carp-pangas polyculture. Per ha productions of
             color  was  developed by combining three food-       pangas  and  carp-pangas  in a single culture cycle
             grade  colors of asthaxanthin. Products prepared     were 15,508 kg and 19,745 kg, respectively. Per ha
             with potato starch, potato smash and rice smash      gross profits were estimated to be Tk 310,311 and
             had  an acceptable bacterial load in refrigeration   Tk 464,418 for pangas monoculture  and  carp-
             (5°C) for up to 8 days  and  in  room  temperature   pangas polyculture, respectively. Net profit
             (28°C) for up to 3 days. No coliform bacteria were   appeared to be Tk 264,216 per ha for  pangas
             found in the products prepared.                      monoculture and Tk 416,509 per ha for  carp-
                                                                  pangas polyculture. The BCRs calculated  were
             518 ALAM,  M.F.  (World Fish Center,  Dhaka)         1.46  and 1.68 for monoculture and polyculture,
             & RAHMAN, M.O.  (Dept. of Agricultural               respectively. The break-even costs per kg  of  fish
             Finance, Bangladesh Agricultural University,         were estimated at Tk 36.93 for pangas and  Tk
             Mymensingh). Input-output relationship and           30.93  for  mixed  species which was much lower
             economics of pangas monoculture and carp-pangas      than the prices the producers received Break-even
             polyculture in two districts of Bangladesh. Bang. J.   productions were estimated at 10,702 kg per ha for
             Fish. Res., 2005, 9 (1), 105-106.                    pangas monoculture and 11,784 kg per ha for carp-
                                                                  pangas polyculture. Fingerling and feed cost, and
             An  attempt  was  made to study the input-output     pond size significantly explained the Variation of
             relationships  and   economics    of   pangas        income  from pangas monoculture. These factors
             monoculture and carp-pangas  polycuhure  in          have significantly influenced the income from the
             Bangladesh. By analyzing the data collected from     crop. Functional analyis shows that 1% increase in
             50  pangas  farms and 55 carp-pangas farms, the      the feed cost might increase 0.51% of pangas
             study  has investigated the production systems of    income  and  0.41 % in carp-pangas income. No
             two technologies and the effects of  fingerling      other inputs had shown this much of responses to
             stocking and applications of feed and fertilizer on   increasing income from a fish.
             fisheries income. The data were collected from the
             fishermen of Trishal and Bhaluka of Mymensingh       519  ALI, M.Y.; ASAD, M.A.; RAHI, M.L. &
             district, and Kahaloo and Adamdighee  of  Bogra      HOSSAIN, M.M.  (Fisheries & Marine  Resource
             district  during 2001-02. For pangas monoculture,    Technology   Discipline,  Khulna   University,
             the stocking density was 31,561 per ha while it was   Khulna).  Organoleptic  and   Microbiological
             55,017 per ha in carp-pangas polyculture. Most of    Assessment of Ten Commercially Important Dried
             the farmers used urea, TSP and  lime  before         and Fresh Fishes. South Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2( 1
             stocking. Rice and wheat bran happened to be the     & 2), 29-32.
             most common feed ingredients for both types of
             culture in general. Other important  ingredients     Ten fresh and ten dried fish species collected from
             used were mustard oil-cakes, rice polish,  wheat     Kuakata,   Bangladesh    were   assessed   by
             flour,  fish  meal,  bone meal, soybean meal and     organoleptic and microbiological parameters (SPC,
             poultry litter. In terms of quantities, rice bran and   total and faecal coliform  Salmonella and  Vibrio
             wheat bran dominated the farmers list.  Rice  and    Chlorae species). All fresh fish  were  moderately
             wheat bran together constituted about 60% of  all    acceptable with acceptability score of 7.0 to 7.57.
             studied  feeds. Feed cost constituted 59.13% of      Standard  Plate  Count of seven samples Phasa

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