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watering, women have their participation of about treatment groups. Inclusion of DPD in the
27.0, 60.0, 20.0 and 82.0%, respectively. concentrate mix in the ration of lactating cow did
not significantly (P>0.05) affect milk yield and
506 HASSAN, M.R.; UDDIN, M.J. (Bangladesh milk composition. The present findings indicated
Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka); that DPD can be incorporated up to 20% in the
WADUD, A. (Dept. of Dairy Science, Bangladesh concentrate mix of lactating crossbred cows
Agricultural University, Mymensingh); AKBAR, without any adverse effect on milk yield and milk
M.A. & HUDA, M.S. (Dept. of Animal Nutrition, composition.
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh).
Effect of Feeding Poultry Droppings by Partial 507 JAHAN, S.S. (Dept. of Animal Husbandry
Replacement of Wheat Bran on Milk Yield and and Veterinary Science, Rajshahi University,
Composition. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2006, 35 (1 & Rajshahi); HASSAN, M.N. (Dept. of Dairy
2), 42-46. Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Mymensingh); RAHMAN, M.M. (Dept. of
The present study was undeitaken to investigate Animal Science, Bangladesh Agricultural
the effect of feeding poultry droppings by partial University, Mymensingh) & HOSSAIN, Z.M.A.
replacement of wheat bran to lactating crossbred (Directorate of Livestock Services). Physical,
(Friesian × Deshi) cows on milk yield and Chemical and Microbiological Qualities of Infant
composition. Twelve lactating crossbred cows Milk Foods Available in Local Market. Bang. J.
having similar live weight (239±16.69 kg) and Anim. Sci., 2006, 35 (1 & 2), 59-64.
milk yield (4.2+0.521) were selected from
Bangladesh Agricultural University Dairy Farm, The study was conducted to observe the physical,
Mymensingh for 90 days feeding trial .The animals chemical and microbiological qualities of infant
were equally divided into three groups having four milk food samples from different brands (A =
Baby dano, B = Nam, C = Enfamil, D = Baby care,
animals in each group and were assigned in a E = Bebelac, F = Lactogen). A total of eighteen
completely randomized design (CRD) to three cans of infant milk food samples from six sources
dietary treatments- T 0, T 1 and T 2 containing 0, 10 were collected from local markets and analyzed in
and 20 per cent dried poultry droppings (DPD), Dairy Science Laboratory, Bangladesh
respectively. During the trial each animal was fed Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Parameters
studied were flavour, protein, fat, acidity, total
maize fodder and 3% urea treated rice straw ad bacteria count, total viable count, coliform and
libitum and llg concentrate mix per kg live weight. yeast & mould count. In case of flavour, A and D
From the result it was observed that milk yield of Brands are superior to others and B brand score
animals received diet T 1 (3.781/d) was lower than lower grade. In case of chemical test, highest and
that on diets T 0 (4.48 1 1/d) and than T 2(4.6371/d) lowest fat percentages were 1.33% and 0.37%,
highest and lowest protein values were 1.16% and
but the difference was not significant (P>0.05). 0.67%. In case of acidity test, highest and lowest
Milk composition (g/100 g) showed that average values were 0.055% and 0.043%. The total count
fat (3.973±0.65, 4.237±0.30 and 4.118±0.54), SNF ranged from 18.98 × l0 /g to 54.23 × l0 /g, total
(8.481 ±0.29, 8.334+0.17 and 8.194±0.20), total viable count 0.41 × l0 /g to 7.07 × l0 /g, yeast and
solids (12.588±0.89, 12.586±0.35 and mould count 8.12 × l0 /g to 351.33 × 10 /g.
12.439±0.79), protein (3.473±0.12, 3.468±0.07 and Statistical analysis showed that there were no
significant variation of microbial population
3.371±0.08) and lactose (4.287±0.14, 4.238±0.07 among the different brands of infant milk food.
and 4.136±0.10 were not significant in all three- Finally the results indicated the sanitary quality of