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did not vary (P<0.01) between Method  1  and         The main purpose of the study was to identify
             Method 2 and both gave rise to significantly higher   the problems faced by the poultry  farmers  in
             DNA yield than Method  3.  The  average              poultry  production  as well as to determine the
             spectrophotometric ratio for detection of purity of   extent  of those problems. Data were collected
             extracted  DNA  in Method 1, Method 2 and            from randomly selected 88 poultry farmers of
             Method  3  were I.492±0.05, 1.362+0.04 and           three selected unions of Dumuria upazila under
             1.479+0.05 respectively. In terms of purity, these   Khulna district through personal interview
             methods did not differ significantly (P<0.01). The   using an interview schedule during October 07
             time required in operational day  (Day-2)  for  the   to  November 11, 2007. Among the identified
             isolation  of  DNA  by Method 1 , Method 2 and       20  problems, the highly common as well as
             Method 3 were 7.65, 8.75 and 11.67 hrs               highly severe problems were  unavailability  of
             respectively. Method 1 was more efficient and  1     chicks in time, high price of chicks, high price
             .10 and 4.22 hrs less time  consuming  than  the     of  feed, high price of vaccine and medicine,
             Method 2 and Method 3 respectively.  The  cost       high  production cost and low market price in
             (Tk.) of per sample DNA extraction by Method 1,      respect  of production cost. Among the 5-
             Method 2 and Method 3  were  2050.40,  2031.64       typologies  of problems, the highly common as
             and 2401.31 respectively. Per sample cost of DNA     well as highly severe typology of problems was
             extraction for Method 1 and Method 2 were almost     chick  related  problems. Growth related and
             same but Method 3 was  17.0%  and  18.2%  more       production, marketing and transport related
             expensive than Method 1 and Method 2                 problems were highly common but  they  were
             respectively. It can be concluded  that,  Method  1   less and moderately severe respectively. All of
             and Method 2 were more or less similar in terms of   the respondents belonged to medium problem
             quantity, purity and in economic consideration. On   confrontation category. Among the selected
             the other hand, Method 3 was inferior to Method 1    twelve characteristics of the  poultry  farmers,
             and  Method 2 in terms of quantity of DNA, cost      only experience in poultry farming, training and
             and time required at  similar  purity.  Therefore,   extension contact showed a positive significant
             Method 1 and Method 2 can be rationally adopted      relationship with their problem confrontation.
             in  our  perspective  for DNA isolation from blood   484   BHUIYAN,      A.A.;   FARUQUE,       S.;
             samples of goat and other species in general.        MONIRA, K.N.  (Poultry Production  Research
                                                                  Division, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute,
             636.5 :    AGRICULTURE : POULTRY                     Savar, Dhaka) & AZMAL, S.A.  (Govt. Poultry
                                                                  Farm, Comilla). Effects of season and flock size on
             483  AHMED, M.B.; BISWAS, S.; MANNAN,                cost benefit ratio of broiler production.  Bang. J.
             M.A.    (Agrotechnology   Discipline,  Khulna        Life Sci., 2007, 19 (1), 129-135.
             University, Khulna) & AMIN, M.R.  (Dept. of
             Agricultural Extension Education & Rural             Effects  of  season  and flock size on cost benefit
             Sociology,   Sylhet   Agricultural  University,      ratio  of broiler production were studied under
             Sylhet). Problem Confrontation  of  Poultry          Poultry Production Research Division, Bangladesh
             Farmers  of  Dumuria Upazila Under Khulna            Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) at  three
             District.  South Asian J. Agric., 2007,  2  (1 & 2),   different locations, such as, Savar in  Dhaka
             15-20.                                               District, Baniajuri and Jabra villages in Manikgonj
                                                                  District and Ramu in Cox's Bazaar District from

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