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472 DEB,  G.K.  (Animal Production Research          The overall estimate was also low. The magnitude
             Division, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute,   of  REML estimated (co) variance and genetic
             Savar,   Dhaka);   BHUIYAN,     A.K.F.H.    &        parameters  obtained in the present study were
             HOSSAIN, M.M. (Dept. of Animal Breeding and          within the published range of estimates. Therefore,
             Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University,        these  estimates  may be used in selection and
             Mymensingh). Estimation of Genetic  Parameters       breeding programmes for dairy cattle development
             for  Economic Traits in Dairy Cattle.  Bang. J.      in Bangladesh.
             Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1 & 2), 17-26.
                                                                  473   HASAN,     K.;  BOSTAMI,      A.B.M.R.
             This  study  was aimed to access information on      (Bangladesh  Livestock Research Institute, Savar,
             genetic parameters  i.e.  heritability and genetic   Dhaka) & KHANDAKER, Z.H. (Dept. of Animal
             correlations of some economic traits of dairy cattle   Nutrition, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
             available in Bangladesh. For  that,  data  materials   Mymensingh). Effect of Supplemental Zinc on The
             were  collected from Central Cattle Breeding         Nutrient Utilisation, Growth Performance and Zinc
             Station and Dairy Farm, Savar, Dhaka recorded        Status of Indigenous Bull Calves. Bang. J. Anim.
             during  1972  to  1982 on Indigenous called Local,   Sci., 2007, 36 (1 & 2), 33-40.
             Friesian  × Local (50% F-50%L)  and  Jersey  ×
             Local  (50% J- 50%L) cattle covered birth weigh      The experiment was conducted to investigate  the
             (BW),  first  lactation milk yield (FLMY), first     effect  of  supplemental Zn on the nutrient
             lactation length (FLL) and first calving interval    utilization, growth performance and  Zn  status  of
             (FCl). REML estimated heritabilities (h ) of  BW     indigenous growing cattle. Sixteen bull calves of
             were 0.365, 0.495 and 0.489 in Local, Friesian ×     about 14 months age  having  77.20±15.30  kg
             Local and Jersey × Local cattle, respectively. The   average live weight were randomly assigned  to
             same for FLL, FLMY and FCl were 0.486, 0.428         four dietary treatments viz.: T 0 = control (31.8 mg
             and 0.128 in Local; 0.495 and 0.497 in Friesian ×    Zn/kg); T 1  = control +35 mg Zn/kg; T 2 = control
             Local cattle and 0.496, 0.499 and 0.496 in Jersey ×   +70 mg Zn/kg and T 3 = control +105 mg Zn/kg
             Local cattle. The overall  estimates  were  0.500,   diet; each having 4 animals. In  a  Randomized
             0.497, 0.498 and 0.499 respectively for BW, FLL,     Block  Design.  The control diet (T 0) consisted of
             FLMY  and FCl. The mediums to high estimates         52.10% rice straw, 16.40% german grass, 18.00%
             for all the traits indicate that the traits studied were   wheat  broken, 6.90% rice polish, 6.00% mustard
                                                                  oil cake and 0.60% common salt.  Experimental
             largely influenced by additive gene action. Genetic
             correlations (r G) of BW with FLL, FLMY and FC:      results showed that Zn  supplementation  had  no
             were very low except medium r G between BW and       significant  effect (P>0.05) on feed intake, live
             FCl  in  Local cattle. The direction of genetic      weight gain, feed and protein  conversion
             association was positive except negative  r G were   efficiency, apparent digestibility of nutrients (DM,
                                                                  OM, CP, CF, EE and NFE), digestible nutrients
             between BW and FLMY and BW and FCl in Local
             cattle. First lactation length  was  positively      (DCP, DCF, DEE and DNFE) and TDN values of
             genetically correlated with FLMY and FCl in a        diets. On the other hand, Zn balance (g/d) and its
             medium to high magnitude in all the  genetic         retention (g/100 g) increased significantly (P<1.01)
             groups studied. Genetic correlations between         with the increasing level  of  Zn  supplementation.
             FLMY  and FCl were medium in Jersey  × local         Results also showed that plasma Zn concentration
                                                                  increased significantly (P<0.01) whereas, plasma
             cattle but low in Local and Friesian × local cattle.

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