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Bangladesh. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2007, 36 (1 & 2),   Fattening Practices of Selected  Farmers  in
             24-32.                                               Panchagarh District. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2007, 36
                                                                  (1 & 2), 62-72.
             The present study was carried out at the Nucleus
             Herd of Red Chittagong Cattle  (RGC)  in             This experiment was conducted to investigate the
             Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)  to         cattle  fattening  programmes of rural farmers in
             analyze  the genetic potential of RCC for Birth      Panchagarh district of Bangladesh through field
             weight (BW), Lactation length  (LL),  Lactation      survey. Data were collected through  interview
             milk yield (LMY), Lactation fat yield (LFY) and      schedule  personally from 30 farmers in three
             Fat % (FP). Data were recorded on 18 RCC calves      villages of sadar upazilla  involved  in  cattle
             and on their lactating mothers. Means and standard   fattening  before Eid-ul-Azha in 2007. Parameters
             errors, heritabilities and breeding  values  of  the   studied were the socio-economic conditions of the
             aforementioned traits were estimated using           farmers,  factors  associated with cattle fattening,
             different computer programs. Birth weight of calf    daily routine activities, feeding  and  marketing
             averaged  15.00+0.59 kg, the averages of LL,         system of fattening cattle, problems of  fattening
             LMY, LFY and FP were 242.17±8.33 days,               cattle and cost benefit analysis. In this study 40%
             516.94±35.89 kg, 24.09±1.59 kg and 4.73±0.01 %       of the farmers had primary level of education and
             respectively. Heritability estimates using animal    20% had no education. About 56.7% of the farmers
             model restricted maximum likelihood  (REML)          used cattle of 2-3 years of age and 36.7% of the
             principle for BW, LL, LMY, LFY and FP were           farmers  used  cattle  of 1-2 years age. About 70%
             0.45±1.37,  0.39±0. 16, 0.27±0.11, 0.33±0.28 and     farmers  used  bulls  and 70% farmers had an
             0.38±0.15 respectively. Calf bearing Tag  no.  092   average of 1 -4 cattle for fattening. Fattening
             showed highest breeding value (2.782) for BW         period of 3-6 months  and 7-12 months were
             whereas, cow bearing Tag no. 009 ranked first for    reported  by  60%  and 30% of the farmers,
             most of milk production traits such as LL (25.513),   respectively. Separate houses for cattle  were
             LMY  (79.687)  and LFY (3.958). While cow no.        provided by 86.7% of the farmers. About 63.4% of
             013 became first for FP (0.248) only. The results    the farmers washed their cattle in ponds and rivers
             of the study indicate that RCC possesses promise     regularly. About 76.7% of the farmers  had  short
             for development through long-term breeding           training  on  livestock rearing and 80% farmers
             program.   In   other  words,   the  estimated       dewormed their cattle before starting the fattening
             heritabilities  could  be  used for the prediction of   program. About 96.6% of farmers reported
             breeding  values  of  Red Chittagong Cattle to take   shortages of animal feed and 86.6% reported lack
             selection  decision based on their estimated         of credit as the major problems of cattle fattening.
             breeding values. The adopted quantitative            Average  total  cost, sale proceeds and net profits
             methodology  as such could be applied for the        were   7528,   9542   and   2055   Taka/cattle
             operation of cattle breeding and development         respectively. The farmers earned a profit of 27.3%
             programs of Bangladesh in general.                   on their total investment. Small  scale  cattle
                                                                  fattening programs could be recommended  as  an
             471  BEGUM,  M.A.A.; HOSSAIN, M.M.;                  income generating activity for the rural farmers of
             KHAN, M.; RAHMAN, M.M.  &  RAHMAN,                   Bangladesh.
             S.M.E.  (Dept. of Animal Science, Bangladesh
             Agricultural University, Mymensingh).  Cattle

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