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January 2004 by using scan sampling technique. An experiment was conducted with 50 pig. rearing
The macaques were found to spend 16% of their households (10 from each of Jalchatra, Jangalia,
active time in feeding and foraging. They took Magantinagar, Pirgacha and Thanerbait villages of
both leftover and offered food and natural food Madhupur forest area of Tangail district) who
items of which 28.1% leftover and offered food reared at least one pig throughout the year. It was
and 71.9% natural food materials. Of natural food obscrved that small farmers reared maximum
items, they fed on 79.4% plant parts, 20.3% animal number of pigs. About 92% of pig owners reared
matter and 0.3% soil. As plant parts, the macaque for fattening purpose whereas 4% of the pig
group consumed grasses (41.9%), leaves (29.2%), owners reared for breeding purpose. It was
fruits (12.6%), fig (3.5%), bud (3.5%), flower (1 observerd that the majority of pig owners (88%)
.4%) and bark (1.4%). Thirty-eight (38) plant kept their pigs in an open space in their homestead.
species representing 33 genera belonging to 20 Only 12% of farmers were found to make pig
families were identified which provided food for house with tin and pacca floor. Most of the farmers
the studied group. Poaceae (= Graminae) was (90%) supplied cooked rice, wheat bran, kitchen
recorded most frequently consumed plant family waste as feed to the pigs. Very few farmers supply
by the group (36.8%), with only one species- supplemental feed. The pig owners reported that
Cynodon dactylon contributing 24.7% of feeding they rear on pig for one year. After one year they
records. Moraceae (6 species) provided 21.0% of sell their pigs. It is also revealed that most of the
plant food (only two species - Artocarpus farmers preferred to sell their pigs to the local
heterophyllus and Ficus hispida constituted 15%). market. Sometimes they selll slaughter pig pieces.
The family Anacardiaceae (2 species) provided Internal parasitism was common problem in the
12.3% of their plant food one species Mangifera pigs study areas. About 5% farmers reported that
indica provided 11.3%). A single species from the in summer season a few pigs were affected by
family Dilleniaceae provided 5.5% food. The FMD. From the present study, it may be concluded
macaques frequently found to take treehoppers as that pig production in Madhupur forest in
their food, which constitute 81.7% of their animal Bangladesh is limited mainly due to low
food. They also take spiders egg sac (7.6%), productivity of indigenous stock, high mortality,
spiders (3.8%), moths (2.3%), grasshoppers non availability of improved bore, inadequate
(1.5%), caterpillar (0.8%), and dragonfly (0.8%). supply of quality feeds, inadequate knowledge of
In this study, the macaques were found to feed on farmers on pig nutrition and management, lack of
egg nests (foam nest) of tree frogs (1.5%) as training facilities on pig production, disorganized
vertebrate food item. market disease outbreak etc.
469 SINGHA, A.K. (Mennonite Central 636.2 : AGRICULTURE : CATTLE
Committee, Sirajgonj) & REZA, A. (Dept. of
Animal Nutrition, Bangladesh Agricultural 470 ALAM, M.; BHUIYAN, A.K.F.H.; ALI,
University, Mymensingh). Study on the Present A. (Dept. of Animal Breeding and Genetics,
Status of Pigs and their Production System in Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh)
Tribal Area of Madhupur. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., & MAMUN, A. (Dept. of Dairy Science,
2005, 34 (1 & 2), 37-44. Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh).
Genetic Analysis of Birth Weight and Milk
Production of Red Chittagong Cattle of