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455  HAQUE, K.M.F.; HAQUE, M.E.  (IFST,              amoxicilin produced 17 mm zone of inhibition.
             BCSIR,     DHAKA);      JAHANGIR,        A.A.;       The result also revealed that gram-positive bacteria
             MONDAL, R.K.; JAHAN, M.A.A; & SARKER,                were less sensitive as compared to gram-negative
             M.A.M.  (BCSIR Labs., Dhaka). Yield  and             bacteria.
             Nutritional Quality of Cabbage as Affected  by
             Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization.  Bang. J.     457  MANNAN,  M.A.; HOWLADER, U.;
             Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41 (1 & 2), 41-46.             BAHAR,  M.H.;  RAHMAN, M.M. & GAIN, P.
                                                                  (Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna  University,
             An experiment was conducted in field condition to    Khulna). Present Status of Flower Cultivation and
             study   the   effect  of   nitrogen-phosphorus       Problems Confronted by the Farmers  at
             fertilization on growth, yield and nutrient content   JhikargachH\a Upazilla of Jessore. South Asian J.
             of cabbage. The experiment was laid  out  in         Agric., 2007, 2 (1 & 2), 89-94.
             randomize block design with  three  replications.
             The yield and yield components were maximized        The  study  was conducted to identify the present
             by N 3P 2  fertilizer  treatment. Nutrient content of   status of flower cultivation along with  the
             cabbage  varied with fertilizer treatment The        problems confronted by the farmers at Zikargacha
             maximum amount of reducing sugar, ascorbic acid,     Upazilla  of Jessore district of Bangladesh. Data
             phosphorus were found at the highest rate of N - P   were  collected from randomly selected 101
             fertilization  whereas as accumulation of titrable   respondents of Godkhali, Navaran,  Banni  and
             acidity, iron, calcium were maximum at the rate of   Panishara unions of Zikargacha Upazilla of Jessore
             N 2P 2 treatment However pH, ash  content  were      during December 2005 to January  2006.  To
             more or less same throughout the experiment.         determine  the present status of flower cultivation
                                                                  data were also collected on type of cultivation of
             456 KHALIL,  M.I.  (Dept. of Biochemistry            different flowers, time of  flower  cultivation,
             and    Molecular    Biology,    Jahangirnagar        sources  of  seeds and seedling collection,
             University, Savar, Dhaka) &  ALAM, N.                propagation practices, use of fertilizer and
             (Dept. of Botany, Jahangirnagar University,          manures, diseases and insect-pests in flower,
             Savar,  Dhaka). Antibacterial Activity of            intercultural operation to determine the  present
             Oyster    Mushroom      against    Pathogenic        status  of  flower cultivation and problem
             Bacteria. Bang. J. Life, Sci., 2006, 18 (1), 79-     confrontation by the farmers. Among  the  101
             83.                                                  respondents,  45,54% were middle aged, 67.33%
                                                                  were educated upto primary level,  48.52%  had
             Ethanol, chloroform and petroleum ether extract of   small sized family size (1-5), majority (54.46%) of
             oyster mushroom were used for the  antibacterial     the respondents had low annual income and  low
             activity test against six pathogenic  bacteria  i.e.   annual expenses for flower cultivation. Most
             Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes.       (84.16%)  of  the farmers had low participation to
             Salmonella typhi, E. coli, Shigella flexneri and     different  organizations..  Among   the   101
             Shigella dysenteriae.  Among the three solvents,     respondents, 46 respondents cited that they
             elhanol extract of oyster  mushroom  was  highly     cultivate gladiolus followed by rose (41)  and  46
             effective against  S. dysenteriae. The  maximum      respondents cultivate flower in Mid Jan- Mid Feb.
             zone of inhibition (16 mm) being recorded against    Among the 101 respondents, 64  respondents
             S. dysenteriae,  while the standard antibiotic       collect the seeds and seedling from  their  own

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