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annual crops like Aus, Amon, Jute, Sugarcane and pteridophytic flora has been recoded from
some other agricultural crops. Most of the farmers Madhupur Sal forest in the wet season. The floral
informed that D. sissoo has positive effects on crop composition of pteridophytic plants has also been
yields. It was found that 66% of Sissoo based categorized on the basis of habitats and seasonal,
agroforestry fanners were not facing any problems occurrence. Habits of the species and their life-
of practicing of this system. About 50% farmers forms have also been determined.
said that there is no shade effect of sissoo on
agricultural crops. 444 RAHMAN, M.S. (Ministry of Forest &
Environment, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka);
442 RAHMAN, M.A. (Dept. of Agronomy, Hajee KAMRUZZAMAN, M. & MAHFUZ, A.A.
Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology (Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline,
University, Dinajpur). Effect of Calcium and Khulna University, Khulna). Ownership Status of
Bradyrhizobium Inoculation of the Growth, Yield Private Woodlot Owner with Particular Reference
and Quality of Groundnut (A. hypogaea L.). Bang. to Jessore District. South Asian J. Agric., 2006,
J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41 (3-4), 181-188. 104-107.
The study was aimed at determining the effect of Private woodlot plantation is practiced frequently
fertilizer element calcium and Bradyrhizobium now a days in Bangladesh. Mainly the rich people
inoculation in improving the yield and quality of who have available land and cannot give sufficient
groundnut seed. The experiment was conducted in time in agriculture, practice woodlot as a source of
1997-78 and 1998-99 in the clay loam soil. The extra income. This paper represents as an overview
fertilizing element calcium significantly affected of private woodlot plantation and the findings of
all the yield attributes and quality up to 150kg/ha the case study of ownership status of private
and then decline. There was also an increasing woodlot owner with particular reference to Jessore
trend in qualitative characteristics like percentage District of Bangladesh. Commercial woodlot
of oil and protein content of groundnut with the plantation has been introduced on private land to
increase in the level of calcium from 0-150 kg/ha. earn more profit at a time and also safety of
Bradyrhizobium fertilization affected the yield investment and easily manageable. The result
significantly but most of the yield attributes was shows that 100% owners practice woodlot on their
not affected significantly. own land. Maximum owners raise woodlot on
fallow land because of less suitability and less
443 RAHMAN, M.M. (Dept. of Botany, productivity of agricultural crops on the land. The
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka). Floral woodlot owners who had income level of Tk 2000-
Diversity of Pteridophytes in Sal (Shorea Robusta 4000/month, had the highest participation
Gaertn.) Forests of Bangladesh. Bang. J., Sci. Ind. (48.33%) in woodlot plantation. Most of the
Res., 2006, 18 (2), 11-15. owners practiced woodlot had below SSC level of
education and their primary occupation was
Floral diversity of pteridophytes in six Sal forests business and other Government and Non-
of Bangladesh has been studied in different government services. There is a tendency to
seasons in 1998. A total of 26 pteridophytic plant practice monoculture in cropping pattern. The most
species belonging to 17 genera under 14 families desirable species for woodlot plantation was found
have been recorded. Highest number of mahogany (Swetenia mahagony) in this region.