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pesticides  were addressed as the very severe        Khulna District.  South Asian J.  Agric.,  2007,  2
             problems by the respondents.                         (1&2), 95-100.

             438  MANNAN,  M.A.; GAZI, M.S. & MIA,                Thc main purpose of the study was conducted to
             M.Y.    (Agrotechnology   Discipline,  Khulna        identify the present status of fruits  cultivation
             University, Khulna). Problem Confrontation  in       along with the problems confronted by the farmers
             Off-Season Jackfruit Cultivation in South-Western    at  Dighalia  upazilla of Khulna district of
             Region of Bangladesh. South Asian J. Agric., 2006,   Bangladesh. Data were collected from randomly
             1 (2), 108-109.                                      selected  101 respondents of Debnagar, Dighalia,
                                                                  Mahessorpur, Paniguti unions of Dighalia Upajilla
             A study was conducted to identify the problem of     of Khulna District during July to December 2006.
             off-season  jackfruit cultivation in South-western   To determine the present status of fruit cultivation
             region  of  Bangladesh during July 2003 to March     data were also collected on total suitable and used
             2004. Data were collected from randomly selected     land  for fruit cultivation in the field and at
             140 respondents  of Sadar upazila of Jessore. Data   homestead, type of fruit trees, off-season bearing
             were collected on insect and disease infestation in   (Dofala)  in  fruit  cultivation,  use of fertilizer and
             order  to  determine the problem confrontation. A    manures, intercultural operation, propagation
             total of 3774 jackfruit trees were found in the      practices, causes of flower and  fruit  drop,  insect
             homestead of the respondents with an average  of     and disease infestation to determine  the  present
             26.96 among which 206 off-season jackfruit trees     status  of   fruit  cultivation  and  problem
             with  an  average  of 1.47 were identified. Most of   confrontation by the farmers. About  69.31%
             the jackfruit growers have 1-2 off-season jackfruit   respondents have medium amount of land (0.08-
             trees  in  their  garden. Most of the jackfruit trees   0.20 hectare) suitable for fruit cultivation, 54.46%
             bear flower during August to October and fruiting    farmers have medium amount  of  land  (0.06-0.15
             age was found less than 20 years. Majority of them   hectare)  under fruit cultivation, 75.25% have low
             do not take control measures against disease  and    amount  of  land  (upto 0.06 hectare) at homestead
             insect infestation. The respondents addressed water   suitable for fruit cultivation and 86.14% have low
             deficiency, disease caused by  rhizopus, insect      amount  of  land  (upto 0.04 hectare) at homestead
             infestation by fruit borer and nutrient deficiency as   under  fruit  cultivation.  Among  the  101
             the  causes of flower and fruit drop. The vital      respondents,  100% respondents cited that they
             problems  of  off-season jackfruit cultivation were   cultivate  mango  followed by coconut (91.96)
             insect and disease infestation, lack of information   respondents used cowdung and practiced different
             and lack of good varieties.                          intercultural operations,  54  respondents cited that
                                                                  they propagate the fruit plants through  grafting.
             439   MANNAN,       M.A.;   MEHJABIN,       S.       The  respondents  addressed water deficiency and
             (Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna  University,      nutrient deficiency as the causes of flower and fruit
             Khulna); MIAH, M.Y.  (Dept.  of Soil Science,        drop  and  100% have taken preventive measures
             Bangabandhu      Sheikh    Mujibur    Rahman         against fruits/flower dropping by  irrigation.
             Agricultural University, Salna,  Gazipur).  Present   Among the 101 respondents, 45 respondents cited
             Status of Fruit Cultivation and Problems             that  leaf  spot  causes  at a higher extent in fruit
             Confronted by the Farmers at Dighalia Upazilla of    plants and 56 respondents cited that  mites  are
                                                                  devastating for fruit cultivation. The vital problems

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