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varieties  of mustard such as Daulat, Rai-5,         IBA and 1AA. Within four weeks of transfer to the
             Improved  tory-7, and Ishurdi local with four        rooting medium, 90% of the microcuttings
             sowing dates viz. 15 Nov, 23 Nov, 30 Nov. and 7      produced  four  to five healthy roots. The
             Dec. were used for the experiment. The experiment    regenerated plantlets were successfully transferred
             was laid out in a split plot design with sowing date   to potted soil. About 90% of  plantlets  were
             in the main plot and varieties in the sub plot. The   survived under ex vitro conditions.
             results revealed that the variety Daulat (1035
             kg/ha)  and Ishurdi local (1014 kg/ha) produced      431  SAMAD, M.A.; HUSAIN, M.;  BEGUM,
             identically superior yield irrespective of  sowing   M.  & HOSSAIN, M.A.  (Entomology Division,
             time. 15 November (1164 kg/ha) and 23 November       Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear  Agriculture
             (1002  kg/ha)  recorded identically superior yield   (BINA), Mymensingh). Effects of Sowing dates on
             irrespect  of  variety. Daulat and Ishurdi local     The  Incidence  of Mustard Sawflies, Mustard
             variety sowing could be delayed up to  30            Aphids and its Predator, The Lady  Bird  Beetles.
             November to obtain a profitable yield of (872 kg./   Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35 (2), 319-324.
             ha)  and (940 kg/ha) respectively which was still
             economically profitable.                             A research work was conducted at the BINA Farm,
                                                                  Mymensingh during the period from October 2005
             430 ROY, P.K. (Institute of Food and Radiation       to March 2006 to determine  the  influence  of
             Biology,  Atomic Energy Research Establishment,      sowing dates on the incidence of sawflies, aphids
             Dhaka).  In vitro clonal propagation of camphor      and their predator the lady bird beetles  and  the
             plant, Cinnamomum camphora L. through shoot tip      damage caused by the pests on mustard plants. The
             and nodal explants culture. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007,   mustard  seeds  were  sown in the field at different
             19 (1), 121-127.                                     sowing dates at an interval of 10 days.  The  first
                                                                  and  last  sowing were done on 31 October and 3
             An  efficient plant regeneration system has been     December, respectively. The plants sown on 3
             achieved in  Cinnamomum camphora L. using            December, had the lowest percentage of sawfly
             shoot  tip  and nodal segment explants from 10-      infestations. The plant sown on 31 October had the
             year-old   field   grown     plant.   Different      lowest number of aphids per plant and the lowest
             concentrations and combinations of BAP,  Kn,         percentage of aphids infested plants. The incidence
             Zeatin  and  NAA  were used for multiple shoot       of aphids increased with the advancement of time
             regeneration. Among two types of explants, nodal     but  it  was opposite in case of sawfly infestation.
             segment explants produced the highest number of      The population of the lady bird beetle was related
             shoots (22±0.2) when they were cultured on WPM       to the population of aphids in  the  field.  The  last
             + 3.0 mg/l BAP + 1.0 mg/l Kn. With the number of     sowing caused the highest aphid infestations and
             subculture and addition of 125  mg/l  CH  to  the    the highest number of aphids per plant. The crops
             culture  medium increased the number of shoots       of the 2nd sowing produced the highest yield. The
             (28) per culture. Shoot tip explants also produced   aphid population was influenced,  by  the  sowing
             multiple shoots, but their performance was  not      date and weather factors, namely  temperature,
             good as nodal explants. For  best  rooting,  well    relative humidity and sunshine hours.
             developed  shoots were excised and implanted
             individually  onto the rooting medium containing     432  SARKER, P.K.; RAHMAN,  M.M.  &
             half-strength  MS  fortified  with 0.5 mg/l each of   DAS, B.C. (Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi University,

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