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in an Area of Gazipur District.  South Asian  J.     low and this was due to its very low concentration
             Agric., 2006, 1 (2), 13-16.                          of N, P, K. and Ca as well as high C/N ratio.

             The main purpose of the study was to  determine      437  MANNAN, M.A.; ALAM, M.J. & GAIN,
             farmers' attitude towards agroforestry.  Data  were   P. (Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna University,
             collected  from randomly selected 60 farmers         Khulna). Present Status of  Mango  (Mangifera
             through of the two selected villages two villages of   indica) Cultivation in Satkhira  District  of
             Kapasia upazila under Gazipur district during        Bangladesh. South Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2 (1 & 2),
             January to February, 2005 interview schedule. The    69-74.
             study revealed that highest proportion (43%) of the
             respondents had highly favorable attitude towards    'I'he main purpose of the study was to identify the
             agroforestry while 25% and 32% had slightly and      status of mango production as well as to determine
             moderately attitude towards agroforestry. There      the extent of problems relevant to  it.  Data  were
             were significant and positive relationships between   collected from randomly selected 75 mango
             attitude towards agroforestry and education and      growers  of five selected villages viz. Puratan
             extension contact. However, there was found no       Satkhira, Itagacha, Babulia, Kasulpur and
             relationship regarding to age, farm  size,  family   Sultanpur of Sadar Upazila of Satkhira district
             size, annual income,  cosmopoliteness  and           through  personal  interview using an interview
             organizational participation.                        schedule during May to August 2006.  To
                                                                  determine the status of  mango  cultivation,  data
             436   JAMALI,     T.   &    NAZRUL-ISLAM,            were collected on varieties of mango trees, number
             A.K.M.  (Dept. of Botany,  Dhaka  University,        of  mango  trees, number of Dofolla mango
             Dhaka). Study the Rate of Decomposition of Leaf      varieties, age of fruit bearing trees, flowering time,
             Litter in Madhupur Sal Forest of  Bangladesh.        fruits  per  plant,  weight per fruit, use of manures
             Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20 (2), 117-121.           and fertilizer, propagation, causes  of  flower  and
                                                                  fruit dropping, insects and diseases infestation and
             The  rate  of decomposition of leaf litter in        problem  confrontation of mango production. A
             Madhupur Sal forest of Bangladesh were studied.      number  of  37 germplasm of mango have been
             Leaf litter decomposition occurred in two stages-an   identified  and  among them four varieties were
             early  rapid  decomposition within 60 to 120 days    Dofolla. Himsagar holds the first position
             followed  by  a slow decomposition at later stage    according to rank of  recognized  mango  varieties
             with exception  in  Burserra serrata, Dillenia       based on their availability in respondents' farm.
             pentagyna and Semecapus anacardium; they were        Vastara and Baramashi hold the same  position
             decomposed first very slow 60 to 120 days but 120    from Dofolla varieties (33.33%). Majority of  the
             to  180 days litter decomposition occurred rapid,    respondents (68%) bear sound  knowledge  on
             further weight loss was gradual with time  of        mango cultivation. Near about half of the
             decomposition. Within the first 0 to  60  days,      respondents  addressed   anthracnose   disease
             decomposition rate of Adina  cordifolia, Burserra    (49.33%) and hooper insect (40%) as cause of
             serrata,  Bauhinia   purpurea   and   Dillenia       severe infestation. More than two fifths of  the
             pentagyna  was very slow and 0 to 120 days           respondents confronting medium problem. Lack of
             Semecarpus  anacardium leaf litter was distinctly    fruit preservation, lack of fruit processing,  high
                                                                  price  of  fertilizer, high price and impurity of

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