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448 SADATH, M.N.; HOQUE, A.K.F. & Physiological and Biochemical Composition of
KAMRUZZAMAN, M. (Forestry and Wood Different Mango Cultivars at Various Maturity
Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Levels. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41 (1 & 2),
Khulna). Study on the Development of Seed 101-108.
Storage Technique for Sonneratia Apetala. South
Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2 (1 & 2). A comparative study on physiological and
biochemical composition of ten varieties of
Mangroves are one of the most productive mangoes was carried out at three maturity stages
ecosystems in the world and of great importance viz. immature, mature and ripe to find out the
due to their protective values. It is particularly standard one. During the investigation, whole
important for Bangladesh as shelterbelt against weight of the mangoes, pulp content, weight of
natural calamities. Sonneratia mangroves, peel and stone, total soluble solid (TSS), pH,
particularly Sonneratia apetala are an important acidity, sugar content and vitamin C were
component of mangrove ecosystems in determined at three maturity stages. It was
Bangladesh. Despite low timber value, as a observed that all the varieties at ripe stages had
mangrove pioneer and in the context of higher sugar content as compared to immature and
Government's continued effort in mangrove mature stages. Attractive flavour and pleasant taste
afforestation, Sonneratia apetala remains a very were also developed in ripe stages and differed
important species in Bangladesh. Achievement in from one another due to varietal specific. This
raising S. apetala plantations are based on characteristics odour which appeared during
traditional knowledge. Strict seasonality in seed ripening is due to ester and components of
production and absence of seed storage technique carbonyl types.
poses a great hinderance to the afforestation
program. This study revealed that S. apetala seeds 450 SHARMIN, A.; SALAHUDDIN, M.;
are not recalcitrant and dried seeds can be stored. ASHADUZZAMAN, M. (Forestry and Wood
Analysis did not show any significant impact of Technology Discipline, Khulna University,
drying period on germination, (f = 0.62 P ≤ 0.05) Khulna) & ISLAM, M.R. (Agrotechnology
however generally higher germination success was Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna). Present
observed with better-dried seeds. Germination Status, Management Techniques and Benefits of
success significantly varied with the length of Private Woodlot at Gangni Upazilla in Meherpur
storage time (F = 7.80; P ≤ 0.05 df 22,8) and District. South Asian J. Agric., 2006, 1 (2), 59-63.
exhibited a strong negative correlation (r = - 0.877,
P ≤ 0.05). During this study, temperature condition The present study describes the present status,
a critical factor could not be controlled. With the management techniques and benefits of private
progress of study seasonal air temperature began to woodlot in Gangni upazilla of Meherpur district.
fall and this might have influenced germination Data were collected from randomly selected 30
success. woodlot owners of the survey area during January
to June, 2005 on the socio economic condition of
449 SHAFIQUE, M.Z.; IBRAHIM, M.; the farmers, present status, management techniques
HELALI, M.O.H. & BISWAS, S.K. (Fruit and benefits of private woodlot. Majority of the
Processing & Preservation Research Division, respondents use agricultural land, one-fifth (21%)
BCSIR Laboratories, Rajshahi). Studies on the respondents use fallow land and the rest use