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The  survival  rate of regenerated plantlets was     after  the same durations. When varying number
             85-90%.                                              (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50) of prey (larvae or adults)
                                                                  were provided to a single predator it fed 5.0, 6.6,
             420  HOSSAIN, M.A.; SALEHUDDIN, S.M.                 6.8, 9.0 and 9.4 larvae against 3.2, 3.2,3.4,3.6 and
             (Chemistry  Division, Atomic Energy Centre,          3.6 adults respectively.
             Dhaka) & ISMAIL, Z. (School of Pharmaceutical
             Sciences,  University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia).     422 MAHABUB-UZ-ZAMAN, M.;  MAHMUD,
             Rosmarinic  Acid and Methyl Rosmarinate from         J. I.; AHMED, N.U.; AKTER, R.; AHMED, K.;
             Orthosiphon Stamineus Benth. J. Bang. Acad. Sci.,    BHATTACHARGEE, S.C. & AHMED,  J.
             2006, 30(2), 167-171.                                (BCSIR Laboratories, Chittagong). Anti-inflammatory,
                                                                  analgesic and antipyretic activities of ethanol leaf
             Rosmarinic acid and methyl rosmarinate have been     extract of Chromolaena odorata (L.) R. M. King &
             isolated from  Orthosiphon stamineus, Benth, a       H. Robinson. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20 (2), 87-
             tropical herb in Malaysia. Structural elucidation    93.
             and assignment of  H-NMR,  C-NMR, IR UV and
             mass spectroscopic data to methyl rosmarinate are    The present study was carried out to investigate the
             included.                                            Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and  antipyretic
                                                                  activities of the ethanol leaf extract  of
             421 KHALEQUZZAMAN, M.; MONDAL, M.;                   Chromolaena odorata on experimental animal
             HAQUE, M.F. & KARIM, M.S.  (Dept. of                 model at the dose of 1g/kg body weight. Two well
             Zoology, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). Predatory   established model carrageenan induced paw edema
             Efficacy of Phytoseiulus Persimilis Athias-Henriot   and cotton pellet induced  granuloma  formation
             (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on the two Spotted Spider      were used for evaluating  anti-inflammatory
             Mite    Tetranychus   Urticae  Koch    (Acari:       property. Analgesic activity was assessed in mice
             Tetranychidae). J. Bio-Sci., 2007, 15, 127-132.      using  acetic acid induced writhing response.
             The relative abundance  Tetranychus urticae and      Antipyretic activily was also investigated on yeast-
             Phytoseiulus persimilis as well as voracity  of  the   induced pyrexia in rats. Acute toxicity test was
             predator were conducted on potted eggplants. After   performed in rats after administration of the extract
             six  weeks of release of ten female  T. urticae in   orally at high dose level  (4g/kg).  Oral
             control plants, the highest mite population reached   administralion  of  the  ethanol  extract  of
             at 184.21/ leaf, against 67.92 and 107.48/ leaf  in   Chromolaena odorata significantly (P<0.01)
             plants which received two predators after 1  and     suppressed the paw edema induced by carrageenan
             3  week respectively. After nine weeks the number    as well as granulomatous tissue formation induced
             of mite / leaf reduced to 13.21 and  23.97  /  leaf   by cotton pellet in rats successfully. In addition, an
             after 1  and 3   week  of introduction of the        appreciable antipyretic effect was also noticed with
             predator, the control population was 81.32. Adult    ethanol extract but no significant analgesic activity
             P. persimilis  as single predator fed 8.2, 15.4 and   was observed. In acute loxicity study, no mortality
             20.6  T. urticae  eggs  after 24, 48 and 72 h        was  observed  at  4 g/kg dose level. The present
             respectively.  Again  a single predator when tested   study demonstrates the potential anti-inflammatory
             separately fed 5.4, 10.8 and 14.6 T. urticae larvae   and antipyretic effect of the ethanol leaf extract of
             after 24, 48 and 72 h respectively. A single adult   Chromolaena odorata, which supports  the  claims
             predator fed on 3.6, 7.0 and 12.0 adult T. urticae   by the traditional medicine practioners.

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