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Energy Use Efficiency. of Major Jute Based Studies of Panikaclhu (Colocasia esculenta var.
Cropping Pattern. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, esculenta (L.) Schott). Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19 (2),
42(2), 195-202. 61-67.
An investigation was undertaken in Jute Research Twelve morphological form of panikachu were studied
Regional Station, BJRI, Kishoreganj during the for genetic diversely and correlation analysis. Significant
period of 2000 - 2001 to 2002 - 2003 to evaluate diversity (variations) for yield of stolon (t/ha) and its
the energy input, energy output and output-input contributing characters namely, number of stolon per
ratio of some selected jute based cropping pattern. plant, length of stolon, diameter of stolon, length of
the result showed that the highest energy input rhizome and girth of rhizome were observed. The variety
(42,928 MJ ha ) was noted for Jute (oli.)- T. aman latiraj showed the highest value for number of stolon per
rice-Potato, which was closely followed by Jute plant, length of stolon and yield of stolon (t/ha) followed
(cap.)-T. aman rice-Potato cropping pattern by PK.-141 and PK.-103 respectively. Correlation study
(39.856 MJ ha ). The lowest energy input (19,947 indicated that yield of stolon per plant had positive and
MJ ha ) was found for Jute (cap.)-T. aman rice- significant relationship with length of stolon, number of
Fallow pattern. The highest energy output from stolon per plant and diameter of stolon. Yield of stolon
main product was recorded in Jute- T. aman rice- per plant was negatively correlated with length and yield
Potato cropping pattern while the lowest from Jute- of rhizome.
Fallow-Wheat pattern. However, the highest total
energy output was obtained from Jute-T. aman 633.8 : AGRICULTURE : AROMATIC
rice-Wheat (4,01,332-403851 MJ ha ) which was PLANTS
followed by Jute-T. aman rice-Potato (3,66,729-
3,73,949 MJ ha ) and Jute-T. aman rice-Lentil
(2,88,906-3,33,416 MJ ha ), although the energy 412 BAKSHA, R. (Biotechnology Division,
output from main product of potato containing Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI),
cropping pattern was the highest. The energy Gazipur); JAHAN, M.A.A.; KHATUN, R. &
output from by-product was more compared to MUNSHI, J.L. (BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka). In
main product for all the cropping patterns. vitro Rapid Clonal Propagation of Rauvolfia
Between two jute based cropping patterns, olitorius serpentina (Linn.) Benth. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res.,
2007, 42 (1), 37-44.
jute containing pattern required higher energy
input than that of capsular is but energy output was
higher in capsularis jute containing pattern. A protocol was developed for in vitro clonal
Output-input ratio of cropping pattern was propagation of Rauvolfia serpentina through direct
maximum (14.5) in 2-crop pattern where rabi crops regeneration from shoot tip explants. Multiple
were absent. It indicated that rabi crops had lower shoots (eight shoots per explant) induction were
obtained on MS medium supplemented with 4.0
energy output compared to other kharif crops.
mg/1 BAP and 0.5 mg/1 MAA within 10-15 days.
411 SARKER, B.K.; ALAM, N.; HOSSAIN, M.K.; The elongated shoots rooted well in half strength
AHMED, F.A. (Dept. of Botany, Jahangirnagar MS medium with 0.5 mg/1 NAA. The in vitro
University, Savar, Dhaka) & BHUIYAN, M.K.R. raised plantlets were acclimatized in glass house
(Tuber Crops Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural and successfully transplanted to field condition
Research Institute, Gazipur). Diversity and Correlation with 80 % survival. The results indicated that large