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             yield/ha  November  01 gave the highest yield        the best for callusing and NAA-0.5 mg 1  + BAP-
             followed by November 10. In the sowing  of           1.0 mg 1  was better for shoot formation.
             November  01,  10  and 20, lentil could escape the
             infection of Stemphylium blight. The yield was       402  ISLAM, M.S.; AKHTER, F.; LAZ, R. &
             maximum in the early sown seeds of lentil.           PARWEEN, S.  (Dept. of Zoology,  Rajshahi
                                                                  University,  Rajshahi). Oviposition Preference of
             401  ISLAM,  M.M.; KABIR, M.Y.; PERVIN,              Callosobruchus Maculatus (F.) to Common Pulses
             T.; KHAN, H.I.; BHUIYAN,  M.R.K.  (Agro-             and Potentiality of Triflumuron as Their
             technology Discipline, Khulna University,  Khulna).   Protectant. J. Bio-Sci., 2007, 15, 83-88.
             One-step  Method of Plantlet Regeneration in
             Mungbean (vigna radiata I. Wilczek). South Asian     Seeds of black grams, lentils, Bengal grams  and
             J. Agric., 2007, 2 (1 & 2), 11-14.                   green  peas were soaked separately in aqueous
                                                                  solutions of Triflumuron at doses of 0.0 (control),
             The present study was conducted in the Laboratory    0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 ppm. Three day-old adults of
             of Plant Tissue Culture of Agrotechnology            Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera:
             Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, during the    Bruchidae) were allowed to oviposit on air-dried,
             period from October 2006 to February 2007, with a    treated or untreated pulses of each type and dose in
             view  to  study the performance of selected          'no-choice' and  'free-choice' tests. Maximum
             mungbean varieties and the  effect  of  growth       oviposition  occurred    in   Bengal    grams
             hormones on callus induction and organogenesis in    (61.00+_0.25) and green peas (33.67±0.54) in 'no-
             a one step-method. Cotyledons of young seedlings     choice' and 'free-choice'  tests, respectively. The
             of three mungbean varieties viz. BARI Mung4,         beetles avoided egg laying on lentils.  Maximum
             BARI Mung54 and BARI Mung6 were cultured on          egg-hatching occurred on black grams (>90%) in
             MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D  +  BAP,           both tests. Minimum developmental time was
             NAA  +  BAP  and 2,4-D + NAA + BAP. The              required in the Bengal grams (30+0.5 days in 'no-
             cultured cotyledons first formed callus and then     choice' test and 31.33+1.23 days in  'free-choice'
             regenerated into shoots or into roots without        test). No adults emerged from green peas, while
             transferring the calli onto regeneration  medium.    54.79%  and 86.15% emergence were recorded
             Profuse callusing was observed in all the varieties   from untreated black grams in 'no-choice' and 'free-
             on all the media combinations. But the medium        choice'  tests, respectively. Triflumuron reduced
             containing 2,4-D- 0.5 mg l  + NAA- 0.5 mg l  +       egg-laying significantly in green  peas,  where
             BAP- 1.0 mgt  showed high  efficiency  of            hatchability also reduced significantly to 35.99% at
             callusing for all the studied varieties. Maximum     2 ppm in 'no-choice' test. Percentage of  hatching
             frequency  of shoot formation was noticed among      decreased in all pulses with the increasing doses of
             the calli of the variety  BARI  Mung4,  on  the      triflumuron. No adults emerged from the  treated
             medium containing NAA-0.5 mgt  + BAP- 1.0 mg         green  peas  in  any  test, and at 2 ppm the adult
             l . As a whole the variety BARI Mung4 was found      emergence declined to <50% in all pulses.
             most  efficient both for callusing and shoot
             formation  in comparison with other two varieties    403 KHAN,  M.M.H.  (Dept. of Entomology,
             and  among the hormone combinations 2,4-D-0.5        Patuakhali  Science and Technology University,
             mg l  + NAA-0.5 mg 1  + BAP- 1.0 mg 1  was           Patuakhali); MANNAN, M.A.  (Dept. of Agroremy,
                                                                  Patuakhali  Science and Technology University,

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